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A Selection of Poetry

For a moment

I wish I could make you see

when my chest begins to cave in

and all the worlds sins

feel as if they have rushed in for safety.

Devils and angels parry across

the thin strip of humanity in my head

and my heart runs excitedly from the commotion.

One moment I’m sure there are no wars being fought

and I rally with strength and courage.

The next moment Fear dumps his luggage

and again I’m in for the same old company.

Pray - pray, I say

want for the better,

wish for the end.

Back again to courage

my words touched His ear.

I’m like a newly unfolded butterfly

trying to waft my still burdened wet wings

into overcoming the gusts of terror.

Follow me to the clouds

and try to understand what my view is.

Remove the curtain of judgment

and see the sights of God’s view.

Which side of hell is hotter?

Who do you choose to burn?

If we back away far enough

they become little points of light

and perhaps many more than we know

are begging for courage too.

So perhaps you never will fathom my terror.

Maybe you’ll never see my skin crawling in anger

but at least dip your toe into the soft white folds of my clouds.

++++ Margot 1-16-98 ++++


There is a liquid that I've tasted

Some may call it's name,


poison it may be, because my heart

it's fluttering movements

become weak with each taste

If a glass, it was offered

to me, from your hands

would I drink

to bring a smile

could I deny

to furrow the brow

Through glass, it's contents harsh

Through glass, it's beauty besieged

To this poison, I raise the glass

To think to drink,

Nay, I should not

from a rose

the petals opened cup

if not to drink

then to drown

I could swim

in this poison

I could live

in this poison

to drink

from a rose-petal cup

glass may shatter

petals only wilt

the rose in my hand

poison on my fingers

murder me, if you must

ah, but suicide is painless

Margot Addison, Nov. 7, 1994
