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New Stuff

Let's see now...without anyone sharing some news with me it's kinda hard to talk about what's new! Hey! I know! How bout that new Gap store, eh??? All those khaki commercials are finally coming to Albany. I've never seen so much khaki!! It's a dykes dream in that place!

Has anyone heard about an Olive Garden coming our way? rumor, rumor.

The latest GLB headlines: "Hats off to the 1st German city to enact same-gender domestic partnerships ... but wait for the Bundestag to register its approval."

"South Africa's Press Ombudsman found some fault in the "Mail & Guardian's" coverage of gay sex for money allegations against the National Party head, but the Party believes he didn't find nearly enough."

"Merrill Lynch announced August 27 that it will be extending spousal benefits to its employees' same-gender domestic partners and to "extended family members" (e.g., children, parents and in-laws) who qualify as dependents for tax purposes. The Human Rights Campaign describes the company as the "first global financial services corporation to extend such coverage." Merrill Lynch employs 60,000 workers, more than 47,000 of whom live in the U.S. "

8/30/98 Entry Ah Ha!! Chris Coggins of the Central Ga site returned my E-mail in absolute astonishment that were actually, GASP, Gay folk in south GA!! Wonders never cease! Hell -- I was astonished when I "accidentally" came across the central Georgia page!! LOL!! If you are from central Ga, or you would like to peruse Chris's INCREDIBLY GOOD link page, OR want to sign up for her newsletter go here: Central GA Site

8/31/98 Entry PrideNet in Atlanta would like to trade links with us--check them out!

Nothing more to add except that I sincerely hope you are spreading the word that Albany family need to come together!! Since I am a Mom and don't get out as much as most of you, I ask that you spread the word about the web site. For your friends who do not have email, send their snail-mail address to me and I will forward copies of the website, along with C. Coggin's Middle Ga site resources to them!!! What could be simpler! We will have a PO box soon!! If you go to the "bar" or whatever it's called these days, please make mention of this site or add it to any bulletin boards you know of. If there are any family owned business's who would like to be added in a non-incriminating way--please E-mail!

9/2/98 Entry

Perhaps you'd enjoy a bit of poetry?

9/11/98 Entry Columbus, Georgia Gay PagesColumbus, GA, GLBT page This link E-mailed to me by Daziz from Americus! (See guest book)

How is everyone doing? I've gotten two new additions to the South Ga Pride list. Actually THREE. Daziz, Betsy, and Janet. Okay, okay, I knew all of them previously but that's besides the point!! The point is that they came by to say hello and I was happy to hear from them anyway! LOL Basically nothing is new besides me possibly whipping up a new page since this one seems too boring...I dunno.

10/24/98 Entry

Well, Christmas is almost upon us and nothing has changed except issues involving hate crime have become very important and November 3rd is coming soon. Make SURE you get out and vote!!!!!!!!!!

11/5/98 Entry

Edric from the Macon, GA P-Flag site stopped in to say hello and to come by and visit them! P-Flag, Macon

2/19/99 Entry

There have been a couple of hits!!! Yes, that's right--a total of four sojourning south Georgians found the page and I've added them to the growing list of family members!!! I've been dying to get in here and clean house but unfortunately I haven't had the time. I'm looking at totally revamping the site and will work with Mr. Christoper and get some dandy decorating ideas!! If you haven't already gotten a copy of Timeless Voices, the publication out of Macon, then please e-mail me for a copy and I will be more than willing to send you one!! They're always so sweet and include us in their fine articles.Latest family news

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