Emily's POETRY

The Lost Child

The Innocence stolen
Her eyes show the Tale
of Pain permanant
A soul painted pale
Her Childhood robbed
Agony shoved into place
deep in her memory
a Fake smile on her face
The mask that she wears
can only cover so much
She weeps in her sleep
cringes at the slightest touch
Her imagination takes her to far better place
To face where she is,
would only be her disgrace.
She agonizes both day and night.
of the truth coming out
she trembles in fright.
She needs to know that it's not her fault
not to bury those memories,
in a stone hearted vault
To face up to the pain,
will make the deamons disappear
bring some hope into her life,
Bring the child back near.

This is my pain.. and my hope...


"..One Tear.."

Forgive me if I bleed on your sheets,
as I have carved myself to an endless sleep
I have given all that I can
..The essence of the woman
I think that I am.
Wishing I had done
so much more with my life
Quickly aging, filled with so much strife.
A mother of failing,
my soul deeply wailing,
The last tears that spill..
as I release my will..
The faint beat, I feel it,
Could this be the end?
I struggle to hear the heart
I couldn't mend.
I wonder of the thoughts.
Will they feel any pain.
Don't worry my loves.
I place on you no blame.
It was my heart that couldn't be whole
Never Matured,
True joy never to behold..
.... a slight wince of pain...
as my temperture falls...
One tear says goodbye,
.................Goodbye to all..

"...The Line..."

Visualize a line if you will
Extending out through your life...
In this line are various people...
Some with gifts of happiness, some give you stife..
But all give something to you, as their turn comes
Now steps in a person
Holding a silver flask of wine
You drink for a long time..
relishing in it's taste...
not seeing the true face of the person offering you this gift..
Then one day, this person takes back the flask..
saying that you turned it to poison.
you walk away in confusion...hurting...
You look to your line
Another stands there, holding a crystal tray with various fruits
and offers you tea
The fruit is sweet, the tea enriching..
You can still see, the other holding the silver flask
It's wine so intoxicating that all you want is it back
You tell the one with the fruit, that you are scared,
and that you want the flask.
The persons tear fill your tea, and as the person walks
away, you drink..
Realizing the loss..
Have you ever wondered why it takes a loss of something good
that makes you want it back..


You can contact Emily via e-mail at:
