Save your cigarette money kids this is the newest free e-zine online! Woo Hoo! God knows lung cancer is more important than the latest music new. Now you can have your cake and it too! This e-zine is written by a compilation of many writers whom I would like to thank once again for there time and service. I'm always looking for articles for upcoming issues so if you want to be part the I Hate Your Boyfriend staff send me an e-mail or if you'd like to recieve this e-zine send an e-mail spunlikeakite@hotmail.com Issue 1: Hole CD review, Backstreet diss, Heavens to Betsy, and more. Issue 2 (coming soon): Coal Chamber CD review, Posh is pregnant, and more! Get your copy today! spunlikeakite@hotmail.com Build Your Free Home PageVisit other great pages on:Health>HealthConditions & Treatments>Conditions & TreatmentsSmokingSmoking