Part 1

There you lay, robed in white,
A truest vision of beauty if ever there was,
As I advance to be by your side,
The many buttressed gargoyles laugh upon me,
Laugh at my love for one such as you,
They say you will become a Saint,
For only one chosen by God could be as beautiful,
But untill the time when you will be loved by all,
Stay so, will you be the object of my heart,
Your radience illuminates these Holy walls,
With a shine only my eyes could produce,
At these steps beside you shall I remain,
Till tis my time to be judged,
And your's to be awakened unto me.


Part 2

Today you were canonized at dawn,
Although they have for years, they now call you saint,
St. Melissa, and they call me too,
They call me "The man who loved she who only loved her Lord,"
It's quite a title for someone as myself,
I grow blind, bathed daily in glorious light,
I can no longer see your face, so I must remember,
I can no longer see your hair, so I must remember,
I can no longer feel your hand in mine, so I must remember!
I say, "Let me in," I beat upon the glass,
"Please let me in," again I pound against you prison lid,
"I shall free you in my arms," and with a final blow I shatter our wall,
Now round the world turns a darker shade of Black,
Your pressence that I've cherished all these long years vanished,
A hand for do I search of yours,
Yet all do I find, is a cold bone reminder of a love I once remembered.


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