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Everyone knows how hard it is to get an award. It takes years of work, a pursuasive letter, and a nice looking page. Here are several that I have received after only one month of work. Thanks for visiting my page!

First.. A Few Words of Praise

"Great job!"
Josten Ma, Chinese-American Computer Professionals Association

"Incredible!!!!! It makes my page look like nothing! Congrats on the page, it is definitely worth advertising."
Julianna, America Online

"it motivated me!! You to have a better PAGE THAN ME!!!"
Janie Tuble, Fan


Great page, you have come a long way in a few short months. You are learning new things and adding new things with 'break-neck speed'. I hereby bestow upon you the Dayve "Rookie of the Web" award for 1998.


Official Member

Jersey Village Web Team

NOTE:These aren't actually awards, they just look like them!
