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Cyber Friends by Chey

I've often sat and wondered 'bout my friends upon the net
And tho I hope to one day..I haven't met one yet
Are people who they sey they are? And do I want to know?
And yet there's something pulling, and I know I have to go

We speak about our families, our hobbies and our age
About the place that we are from.. our lives upon the stage
I've often sat and wondered, is the person being true?
But no one's there to answer, just a thought to get me thru!

We talk of our addiction to the 'puter and the chats
We even talk about our pets...our dogs, our fish, our cats
You sometimes feel the lonliness you can't see in their eyes
But still there is that wonder, is it real or a disguise?

I'll never have the answers....and that just might be best
I'd never want my friends to think I put them thru the test
I cherish every moment, every person that I meet
For knowledge I would never have except for those I greet

And now that I have taken time to write this poetry
I think I'll give it to my friends, wherever they may be
For countries all around the world are at my fingertips
Not snow, not hail, nor rain, nor sleet will ever stop these trips

For each and everyone of you I send a great big smile
For you have been there with me and I hope you stay awhile
I never cease to be amazed, to chuckle and to grin
You've made my world a better place..Since you've all let me in!

Love Chey

ŠAll rights reserved by Chey
