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- Mirror -

- RaveN -

The depth of my mind

so dark... so empty

I see myself

amidst the darkness


all alone...

in this silent place.

I see a mirror,

in the darkness, I grasped it

and looked into it

expecting to see my reflection.

I see a girl

so silent in her rage

She was angry, that I can feel

I called out her name

she turned and disappeared.

screams echoed

darkness regained...

I look back into the mirror

expecting to see another


I saw a child

crying herself to sleep

I wanted to comfort her

to call her out her name

but silence descended...

she weeped and faded

slowly into oblivion.

tears fell,

I closed my eyes

and fell asleep.

When I woke up,

it was still dark

yet, the mirror shone

such a sharp contrast with this dark place...

my thoughts, my mind.

I looked into it once more...

to see my reflection.

A girl was smiling

I wanted to join in her laughter

she turned to smile at me

but she vanished.

I smiled

and walked away.

And I continued my journey.

Down a long path,

I twisted and turned


I saw a light

I walked towards it

and I was brought back

into the world I know.

To end the journey, I never began.

And I saw the girl

reaching out

to clasp her hand in mine.

I looked into her eyes

and smiled.

For that girl was the mirror

and that mirror.....

was me.