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COMING SOON: * pics (family and gimmick pics) as soon as I can find a decent scanner * poems and other literary compositions * etcetera , etcetera, etcetera * ANIME! ***Since I am a constant victim of boredom-itis, I have decided to use my oh-so-precious Summer time in front of the computer, figuring out html, trying to make my hp look a bit more presentable.***

Some CooL poEms that i've been Collectin'

Prayer of A False God from Christoper Pike
Harakiri by Deeji Baclig
Jewel by nicx Llorin
End theme of the Anime Series
Our only Chance --> Battle Angel Alita
Photographer by Erika Briones
Roses are red...
Rose-colored Glasses by nicx Llorin
Sabi Ng Nanay Ko by deeji Baclig
a poem by Allan Martos
a poem by Iea Guttierez
In Love Kuno by Bonnie Borga ** NeW!! **

my poEmS

A VampirE
DamN mE
DarK AngeL
I HaTe FloweRs
My Dreams
DeaTh, My AngeL
The ThieF
Short Poems

Photo GallerY ( My HigH SchooL YeaRs )

YeaR III - 3!
My Sophomore YeaR
JunioRs '99!