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Movie Reviews!

Hi! This is the movie reviews page! Here I will put movies that I have seen on here, rate them with stars, and put a review under them. The worst rating is one star and the best is 5 stars. My friend Erin also has a movie reviews page. It is located in Erins Phsycadellic Realm. There is a link to her page at the bottom.

Big Daddy PG-13
Big Daddy is hilarious! (What Adam Sandler movie isn't?) I love the little boy "Frankenstein"! You'll understand when you see it. The ending kinda sucked but all good movies have their bad parts, so I gave it 4 stars.

Home Fries PG-13
Ok, Drew, honey, you can do better. But this whole country hick accent doesn't work for you. This movie sucked I hated it, my friends hated it, America hates Home Fries. Do not waste your money and buy this crappy movie. I give it one star. That's generous.

Drop Dead Gorgeous PG-13 1/2
This movie was really funny. The beginning is kinda boring but stick it out cause the end is the best. The characters were all great and the retard is hilarious! The right person finally ends up winning! See it to find who wins.

Inspector Gadget PG
This was ok for a kiddie movie. But the plot was stupid and fake. I give it 2 stars.

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me PG-131/2
This was probably the funniest movie I have ever seen! After almost every line you are cracking up. My favorite charactor would have to mini me! The only glitch is that you won't understand most of the jokes if you haven't seen the first Austin Powers movie. So I took off half a star.

Wild Wild West PG-13
I have to say I was very disapionted. I expected this movie to be a lot better. It had a few funny parts on it and of course, as expected, Will Smith saves the world. Again. Comparing this to Will's other movies, it only deserves one star.
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