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The President

Other Thoughts...

The Dawson's Creek Cast
Courtney Love

Ugh. I can't even say his real name. The President disgusts me. Not only did he cheat on his wife, he lied to her and to the judge. He also made Monica Lewinsky lie! I mean she isn't the best person in the world either but at least she fessed up to it. Ok, the President lied then after he was caught lying, he put on his little sad face tried to get forgivness out of us! That is sick! It may of worked for some people but not for me. I can't believe that the Senate let him off like that! Why should the president get special treatment? If you or me comitted perjury we would be off to jail. So why shouldn't he be off to jail with the rest of us. It must be nice sitting up on your high throne Mr. President but it'll soon be over cause next year no one will vote for you!
