The Masq
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The Masq


I am only able to work on this site occasionally so it may be some time before it stops sucking. And, wow, it sucks really hard. Specially after crusing around tonight and looking at other people's sites... Please stay tuned for further information. Meanwhile, visit the short list of links I've thrown together to give you a more complete picture of the person that is moi. *grin*

NEW!! (not really new anymore...)

I am in the process of creating an Online Mall! I'll let you know when it's all finished and ready to go :o) But I have a feeling I'm not going to be making any money....

If you are 18 OR OLDER, please check out the Jezabelle's as well! Jez is a good friend of mine and an aspiring smut peddler ;oP

If you'd like to help me out so I can reconstruct my page faster, please click this link for info on really cheap long distance and phone cards. No one ever goes there, don't feel bad if you don't. I don't even know what's there anymore....

And, even more fun, try out Condom Sense! This one gets Jezabelle's personal seal of approval ;o)

CLICK HERE Visit Condom Sense and get
$3.00 off your order!

Condoms | Lubes | Sex Toys | Tests | Books

I have a Barnes and Noble portal.... Check out the bookstore!

Ok, 3 or 4 years ago I was promised some role in some film by local (as in Macon, GA) film producer/writer/director/actor Chace Ambrose and he never did "get around" to making good on his promise..... Who loves ya Chace? ;o) Anyway, here is the homepage for Ambrose Productions. It's a pretty neat site, check it out even though Chace is a shady character ;o)

My actual name is Amy (i don't think i'm supposed to say that online...) but strange people far and wide know me by my - Pyanfar. I've run across a couple other folks online that use that nick, but they're few and far between. If you like to know more about the story behind the name, check out CJ Cherryh's homepage and look for the Chanur stuff.

I like to smile, love to laugh, and I promise I won't bite, unless you promise to bite back! (oh my!)
See you later taters.....

Hey! Since you're here, do the polite guestbook thing, and don't forget to leave comments! Anything along the line of "you are my goddess and I worship you" is VERY acceptable. heehee
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook

Actually I orginally had my own sign-it page, with lots of neat-o options for how you found me/why you are here, but I lost that one too when Angelfire had a massive puke, oh, about 4 years ago. That should tell you how dilligently I've been working since then to put it back the way it was....

Til then.....

The Lost Isles WebRing

The Lost Isles Webring

A grouping of webpages belonging to users of Forgotten Isle and Dragon's Isle!
This Lost Isles Webring site belongs to Pyanfar.

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Go to these other places while you wait for The Masq to return...

Really great long distance and telecommunications offers, PLUS, you can make money!

The Masq's BarnesAndNoble.Com Affiliate Booktore
The Masq and Condom Sense, A Safer Sex Partership

My lil bro Richy's site which is soooo much cooler than mine...
Richy's LiveJournal

The Masq - Links (wow, these have got to be insanely old and outdated!)
The Masq - Pictures
The Masq - Poems (i started writing when i was 16 or 17, some of the stuff on the poetry page is from back then. some of it's not half bad, but some of it is all bad, lol)
More pics, more recent
My LiveJournal
The Forgotten Isle Telnet Talker Homepage (I run the website and help administer the talker, as Pyanfar)
The Dragon's Isle Homepage Dragon's Isle is my own creation - a free form roleplaying talker that combines the user-friendly social aspects of a talker with the roleplaying aspects of a MUD or Dungeons & Dragons-style game. On Dragon's Isle, I go by the name Rhiannon.


Yahoo! Messenger: pyanfar.geo

AIM: pyanfar7

ICQ: 23231272

This page last modified March 1, 2002.