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D.K. On Mansonry (VI)

Copyrighted work adapted for nonprofit educational purposes


The formless nature of the influences of Gemini is strikingly borne out if the significance of Masonry is studied. This world-wide institution was--as I have earlier told you--organised under the influence and impulse of this sign and is governed by it in a most unusual manner. The format or exoteric symbolism of Masonry has frequently been changed during the millenia of years through which it has been active. Its present Jewish colouring is relatively modern and not necessarily enduring, but its significance and its history of unfoldment are the history of the indwelling Christ consciousness and of that inner light, and this must unalterably be continued. That which has entered through the two pillars of Hercules, the disciples (Jachin and Boaz), and through the sign Gemini, has entered to stay. TSR-III 346

Six forces meet in Gemini and, for this reason, the double triangle or King Solomon's seal is one of the subjective symbols of this sign, linking it again with the Masonic tradition and indicating also again the essential dualism of this sign. All the inner potencies are, therefore, present and only the stabilising seventh ray energy is omitted from the dowry of the man born in Gemini. Thus we can easily account for the versatility of the Gemini subject. The effectiveness of Mercury is also enhanced in its interpretive aspect because the Gemini person can always find points of contact with people on nearly every ray. This is an interesting point to remember if you will realise that the great Masonic ritual was inaugurated under the influence of this sign, and yet--the ray of ritual was omitted. This is due to the fact of reaction, producing opposition and therefore interplay and struggle. Hence the tests and trials of the Masonic procedure. TSR-III 364

There is little that I can say anent this matter that can be checked and proved, for the clue to the problem is to be found back in the very night of time and, literally, when the sun was in the constellation Gemini. At that time the two pillars were set up which, as all Masons know, are two great landmarks in Masonry. Hence the Jewish colouring of all the Masonic work, though it is not Jewish [Page 394] in the sense that that word conveys today. Who, therefore, if the facts are of such ancient import, shall say that I speak with accuracy, or establish the right or wrong nature of my conclusions? I but present the facts as I know them from my access to records more ancient than any known to man.TSR-I

Each age has left a reflection of a modern fivefold development upon it. Four ages have just passed away, astronomically speaking: Gemini, Taurus, Aries, and Pisces. Today Aquarius, the fifth age, is coming into power. In Gemini, its symbolical sign of the two pillars set its seal upon the Masonic Fraternity of the time [Page 127] and the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz--to give them their Jewish names which are, of course, not their real names--came into being approximately eight thousand years ago. Then came Taurus, the Bull, wherein Mithra came as the world Teacher and instituted the Mysteries of Mithras with an (apparent) worship of the Bull. Next followed Aries the Ram, which saw the start of the Jewish Dispensation which is of importance to the Jews and unfortunately of importance to the Christian religion, but of no importance to the untold millions in the other parts of the world; during this cycle came the Buddha, Shri Krishna and Sankaracharya; finally we have the age of Pisces the Fishes, which brought to us the Christ. The sequence of the Mysteries which each of the signs of the Zodiac embodies will be clarified for us by the Christ, because the public consciousness today demands something more definite and spiritually real than modern astrology, or all the pseudo-occultism so widely extant. ROC

On the reversed wheel, the Saturnian influence exhausts itself in Capricorn and the man is then free from karma and needs no presentation of opportunity for he stands a free initiate, a true Master Mason and can then proceed with world service undeterred and held back by no thought of self or selfish desire. He comes then under the influence of Uranus, that mysterious and occult planet. His will is focussed and developed by the Uranian influences and he develops into a leader. TSR-III 138

It is interesting to have in mind that Ray V governs the evolution of consciousness through the revolution of its triangle: Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This is from the angle of hierarchical effort, as I earlier pointed out. Throughout human evolution, this major triangle governs the relation of humanity, through the mind, to the Hierarchy and the approach of that Hierarchy to the human centre of energy. Let me recall to your attention the following facts in this connection:

Sagittarius: The Approach of the Hierarchy. Lemurian in date. Proceeding steadily always. The PAST impetus then given still persists. Mental unfoldment. Instinct. Intellect. Intuition.The work of the Master Mason. To raise humanity to the mountain top of initiation.

Leo: The work of the Hierarchy. To raise the mass consciousness. The PRESENT. To capitalise on the original impetus of this sign. Psychic development. The growth of the response apparatus and the synthesis of the inner awareness. The work of the Entered Apprentice. To learn and acquire knowledge. [Page 493]

Aquarius: The Achievement of the Hierarchy. The self-consciousness of Leo gives place to the group consciousness of Aquarius. The FUTURE. The merging of the human centre Aquarius and the Hierarchy. Soul Expansion. Recognition of relation. The work of the Fellow Craft. The building and service of the temple of humanity. TSR-III

I earlier gave a hint upon which definite astrological [Page 64] computation could be based when I gave the time of the "Great Approach" of the Hierarchy to our planetary manifestation when individualisation took place and the fourth kingdom in nature appeared. I placed that stupendous event as happening 21,688,345 years ago. At that time the Sun was in Leo. The process then initiated upon the physical plane and producing outer physical events took approximately 5,000 years to mature and the Sun was in Gemini when the final crisis of individualisation took place and the door was then closed upon the animal kingdom.

It has been stated that Sagittarius governs human evolution, as the Sun was in that sign when the Hierarchy began its Approach in order to stimulate the forms of life upon our planet. Sagittarius, however, governed the period of the subjective approach.

The Sun was in Leo when physical plane individualisation took place as a result of the applied stimulation.

The Sun was in Gemini when this Approach was consummated by the founding of the Hierarchy upon the Earth. This is one of the great secrets which the Masonic Rituals typify, for the symbol of the sign, Gemini, is the source of the concept of the two pillars, so familiar to Masons. It might therefore be stated that, symbolically speaking,

1. Leo governs the E.A. degree.

2. Gemini governs the F.C. degree.

3. Sagittarius governs the degree of M.M. up to the episode of the raising of the Master, and that Capricorn governs the final part of the ceremony and the H.R.A. TSR-III