Milords and Miladies,
Over the years, I have studied military strategy and tactics from earliest times to now. The words that follow--for your consideration and possible use--are based primarily on written accounts of famous battles, campaigns, and/or commanders.
Please let me know your thoughts regarding them. Looking forward to hearing from you, I remain yours in service...
Why? War is not a tournament setting and the Meridian fighters who attend war events (Gulf Wars, Border Raids, Pennsic, etc.) need to be trained as units so that group tactics can be decided on and practiced before the battles begin. Indecision in group tactics during battle is usually fatal to fighters who've rarely trained together.
The first two Meridian Maneuvers, the failure at Fools War III, the formation of the Southern Marches, and the success at Border Raids XVI and Fools War IV have shown Meridian fighters the need for--and benefits of--group/unit fighting.
Three training errors during Fools War III changed a feasible plan into a near defeat; victory was attained through Atlantian help--not Meridian strength. Border Raids saw group/unit fighting work; Fools War IV was added proof.
individual fighters living within baronial borders
neighboring shires
New cantons would automatically belong to their barony's regiment. New shires/colleges/keeps/etc. can decide whether to join a baronial/territorial
regiment nearest them or, with nearby groups, form a new regiment.
The SCA and its branches do not endorse the products or services which are displayed here. Off-Site links are provided as a service and are offered on an "as is" basis.
barony-based households
affiliated cantons
allied shires/households/individual fighters
shire-based households located within their borders
allied households/individual fighters
Baronial Regiments
Iron Mountain
Osprey (includes the Incipient Cantons of Ironstone Springs and Terra Terminus plus the Canton of Sedracas)
South Downs
Thor's Mountain (includes the Incipient Canton of Hochwald Corryton)
East Tennessee (Easaraigh, Nant-Y-Derwyddon, Vulpine Reach)
East Georgia (Beau Fort, Sol Haven)
North Alabama (An Dun Theine, Des Forges, Glynn Rhe)
South Alabama (Eagle, Okeborne Keep, Thorngill)
Southeast Georgia (Drakenmere, Forth Castle, Tir Briste)
Southwest Georgia (Flintmarsh, Marion Glen, Ravenwood, Staggesgate)
West Georgia (Depedale/Incipient, Owl's Nest, Tal Mere)
West Tennessee (Crimson River, Glaedenfeld, Loch Cairn, Rising Stone)
Kentucky (Loch an Fhraioch, Redewolfden/Incipient)
Page updated 27 June 2012 by Lord Robert Cattanach of Moravia.
(c) The Waterbearing Fish.
Large Melee Tactics Class
'Proposal Regarding the Royal Army of Meridies'...