Merwolf Relics...

As her stories became popular, Melissa Good became a star in her own right. She was the guest of honor at a Saturday night supper during 1999's Santa Monica convention, works with Atlanta's Dragoncon convention, and attends other conventions whenever possible.

Missy's fans, called merpups, crashed her message board and promptly created a Delphi forum which is one of the most popular 'Xena'-related forums. They also have three mailing lists, get together at cons, sell merchandise, and help each other when they can. No other 'Xena' bard, I believe, has such a devoted following.

Robert Dubh Nianque

Images 1 and 2 come from Shari Brunell with image 2 linking to *Merwolf's Fan Fiction.* Image 3's site, *Rooks Protest Graphics,* is lost.

Merwolf-Based Stories

'Little Things' (winter interlude)
'A Fantasy Trip' (Dar and Kerry)
'Pure Cold Abyss (Cait and Paladia)
'The Adventures of Dori of Amphipolis' (comic strip)
'The Toughest Thing' (early version of Arella's death)
'Kerry and Dar Get Pert' (becoming part of a tv commercial)

Merwolf-Inspired Adventures

'Destiny's Ghost' (Xena, Gabrielle, Caeser)
'Symphony' (Dar and Kerry-inspired characters)
'Into the Storm' (has a 'Tropical Storm' reference)
'The Tales of Emoria' (fantasy in the Merwolf style)
'Tender is the Night'/'Silent Legacy' (filming 'Tropical Storm')
'The Joining' (time-travel Amazon tale; possibly part of a series)

Stories set in Merwolf's Version of the Xenaverse

'First Date'
'Death Wish'
'Who's Child'
Merwolf Relics
Merwolf Relics...