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This is an interesting question I have kicked around since my mother's untimely death on July 20, 1996. My mother was the type of individual that people liked, she always left a good impression on people. Mom would have given her shirt off her back to someone in dire need.

In June of '95, mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The surgeon advised my family that cancer had eaten the majority of her pancreas, and he gave her 6 months to live. Mom had been hurting for a couple of years, and who would have thought it was cancer. Everyone, including mom figured it was stress related from the two jobs she had and the divorce she and my father went through several years ago.

The first six months after mom's surgery, I witnessed her go through a living HELL! She would awake during the night with intense pain, crying for hours. The only comfort I could give her was to stay with her until the pain eased up or she cried herself to sleep, I would pray with her as well.

Basically since the pancreas was no longer intact, mom became a diabetic. This added to the miserable effects of cancer. Mom's blood sugar was off most of the time, and I knew she was getting worse.

My mother's condition was rapidly declining. Family and friends could not believe the pain I described mom going through. After six months, my life was slipping as well. My relationship with my girlfriend was on the outs and work was not going well either. My mother knew that this ordeal was killing me. Mom decided to move in with my grandmother. Finally, other family members saw the pain. Especially my grandmother. Not only was granny watching over my mother, she had an invilid husband of whom she was taking excellent care .

Mom was taking Chemotherapy, and it made her sick. She never felt good anymore.The doctors had her carry a self adminstering chemotherapy pump.

Mom begged my grandmother to go the hospital, I think she knew the end was near. Mom a couple of weeks before was talking of angels touching her. I thought it was the medication she was on.

The day before she went to the hospital, I got to say my final goodbye. Granny had a ambulance take my mother to the hospital. I prayed for the good LORD to take my mother. She fought a good fight, she always was a fighter. It was complete, the Lord answered my prayers. The pain, the suffering was over at last.

I have never really gotten the answer, Why does the Lord take good people. However, I have come to a logical conclusion. The Lord placed a special person here on earth, my mother. Even though her time was short. Mom always had the right answer, no matter the problem. Mom raised me with ethical morals and gave me love. LORD THANKS FOR THE BEST MOM IN THE WORLD! A day doesn't pass without me thinking of mom.

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