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Leon Thomas Henderson

This photo was taken of Little Granny Nan and Alton shortly before he was institutionalized. (more to say here.)

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear:
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost 1923

Thomas Griffin, Sr. ukn-1803 in Bulloch Co., GA (I have just learned this week that Thomas' father was William Griffin. I have to document this. 27 Mar 1999)
Unknown Wife ukn-ukn

1.Thomas Griffin, Jr. ukn S C-1812 Tattnall Co., GA
Unknown Wife ukn S C-ukn
Levicy "Lucy" Baxter ukn-ukn

2.Lewis Griffin ukn-ukn

3.Asa Griffin ukn-ukn

James Griffin 1793 - April 1860
Nancy Burnside 1798/1800 - October 1859 (According to the Mortuary Schedule, 1860 Census 1 June 1859-1 June 1860, Pierce Co., GA: James Griffin/62/GA/ April/Farmer/1860; Nancy Griffin/52/GA/Oct/H. W./1859. James owned a good sized plantation and 17 slaves. It was mistakenly added in Huxford's POWG Vol. I on page 101 that James was killed by one of these slaves. This is no longer held true. [See info under James Griffin, Jr. below which probably caused this rumor.] Also the same page says Nancy died in December which is a mistake. James and Nancy are buried at High Bluff in recently marked graves. I saw the monument when I attended the recent ceremony for Dempsey Griffin when a CSA monument was placed at his grave.)

(James had two known brothers: Dempsey and John)

Dempsey Griffin 1782 S C-17 Dec. 1865 Tattnall Co., GA

Jemima Reeves ukn- 1829 Spring Hill, Chatham Co., GA One son under 10 in 1820 died young

Mary Strickland abt 1806 Washington Co., GA-22 April/July 1884 Matlock, Tattnall Co., GA. (Daughter of Gadi Strickland) mar. Tattnall Co., GA 1835 by Elder Isham Peacock.

    1. Mary "Molly" 1836-ukn mar Willoughby Strickland (1835-1884)
    2. Francis Dempsey (CSA) 1837-22 July 1914 mar Georgeann Strickland
    3. Hester 1840-ukn
    4. William Jackson (CSA) 27 May 1843-ukn mar Mary Jane Baxter (1849-1926) daughter of Wiley Baxter (1828-1896)

    (Mary Strickland Griffin states on her widow's pension application that she had not been married prior to her marriage to Dempsey Griffin even though she had three children with Kadar Keaton before marrying Dempsey. The reason I have April/July for Mary's death months is due to it being listed as April on the top of page 179 and as July at the bottom. )

    John Griffin abt 1798-ukn last known living in Ware Co. in 1837

    (The Dempsey Griffin information is from POWG Vol. X by the Huxford Gen. Soc.) (Unfortunately at this time we do not know where Mary and Dempsey are buried.)

    Children and Spouses of James and Nancy

    William M. 1815 - 1879
    Cynthia Strickland 1815-1897

    (Written on William's monument: "Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Wm. Griffin Born in the YR 1815. Died Aug 21, 1879 He is not dead, but sleepeth. Pat'D May 6, 1884")(Written on Cynthia's monument: "Our Mother Cynthia (Strickland) Wife of Wm. Griffin Died 1897 Age 83 years By faith are yea [sic] saved")

    Nancy 3 April 1819- 1859, married abt 1840
    Owen King Mizell 20 October 1811 - 30 May 1893 a son of Jesse Mizell (1765-1827) and Mary Stallings (1775-?)

    Dempsey 8 June 1825 - 2 November 1897
    Mary Elizabeth Dowling 27 June 1825 - 4 October 1902 a daughter of Darling Dowling (1803-1851) and Sophia Davis (1810-abt 1890)

    James Jr. 1829 - 4 January 1906
    Georgia Isabelle Jones 6 April 1829 Isabelle was a daughter of James Jones, Jr. 1814-1853 and Sarah Mizell 1813-1849, a daughter of Jesse Mizell and Mary Stallings. (James Jones, Jr. was hacked to death with a hoe on 26 August 1853 by an eight year old slave named George whom he had hired from his neighbor, James Griffin, Sr.)

    (two infant monuments in the Griffin section of High Bluff: Margaret infant dau. of Mr. & Mrs. James Griffin born 14 apr 1867 are 11 mos & 11 days; Isabell infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James Griffin born & died 14 Dec 1874)

    Edward Thomas 1833 - ?
    Mary Margaret Mizelle 1841-?the daughter of Owen King Mizell 20 Oct 1811-30 May 1893 and Nancy Wright 1815-abt 1841.

    Alfred 1836 - ?
    Nancy Ukn

    Elender S. 26 January 1837 - 18 June 1880, married 20 September 1860
    Henry Strickland 1842-? a son of John Strickland 7 Sept 1804-17 April 1879 and Mercy Martin ?-1843 and a grandson of David Jonathan Strickland and Treacy Martin. (see below)

    Washington 1840 -?
    Nancy Albritton
    Samantha Albritton

    William M. Griffin 1815 - 31 August 1879
    Cynthia (Cynthie) Strickland 1815 - 1897 is a daughter of David Jonathan Strickland 1780-14 March 1873 and Treacy Martin 1789-18 March 1856, and the granddaughter of John Strickland. They are buried at High Bluff P.B. cemetery.

    Children and spouses

    Treacy 28 Feb 1835
    John Driggers

    William B. 15 July 1837
    Civility (Sibbie) Crews
    Caroline Ellis

    John 10 Jan 1839 - 5 Sept 1862
    John died from wounds received at Second Manassas, 28 Aug 1862
    Julia Hughes

    Nancy 16 Oct 1840 mar 1860
    Samuel J. Chancey 21 July 1826 S C-11 Aug 1920 @ 94 Charlton Co., GA (One known child: William 1861- ? Nancy was Samuel's second wife.)

    Peter 24 Oct 1843
    Margaret (Margie) Thrift

    (Written on Peter's monument: "Peter Griffin Oct. 24, 1843 Oct. 6, 1916 Aged 72 yrs. 11 mos & 13 days." Written on Margaret's monument: "Margaret Griffin 1843-1927 Gone but not forgotten")

    Leander 2 Aug 1844
    Mrs. Dicy Thomas, (dau of William Strickland 1797-abt 1880 and Rebecca Hyatt 1810-?) (Dicy's first husband was Hiram Thomas.)

    James E. 22 Aug 1845, died in childhood

    James Washington 2 Oct 1846
    Sarah Ann Anderson

    Alexander 2 Oct 1846 twin, died in childhood

    Elender 20 Mar 1848
    Daniel Martin

    Patrick 4 Jan 1850
    Nancy Dowling (1848-?) a daughter of David C. Dowling (1823-abt 1890) and Letitia Thomas 1817-?)

    Elijah 14 April 1851
    Leta Guy

    Appie Ann 4 Dec 1853
    J.R, Knight

    Cynthia Ann 5 Mar 1855
    Edward Eshe (pronounced A-Shay from New York)

    Owen Alfred 1 Dec 1856
    Millie Young

    Lusina 15 July 1859
    William Young

    Mary Ann (Mollie) 2 April 1861
    Edward Whilden

    Peter Griffin 24 October 1843 - 6 October 1916
    Margaret (Margie) Thrift 1843 - 1927

    Children and Spouses

    William Owen 25 April 1967 - 25 November 1954
    Mary Martin 12 January 1869 - 11 November 1947

    Sallie 25 September 1868 12 December 1926

    (Aunt Sallie never married, was deaf and spoke with a speech impediment. Mother remembers Aunt Sallie talking to her as she washed dishes and Mother dried them.)(Written on Sallie's monument: "Sallie Griffin Sep. 25, 1867 Dec. 12, 1926 Gone but not forgotten")

    Peter Jackson (Jack) 1870 - 1952
    Nancy Steedley 1875 - ukn

    James Robert (Bob) 10 April 1873 - 1 February 1953
    Susan Pittman 3 September 1866 - 20 September 1935

    David Patrick (Pat) 14 September 1875 - 14 February 1958
    Missourie Martin 6 October 1875 - 8 June 1948

    Mollie M. 1877 - 1926
    Jesse Sedgewick 1871 - 1931

    Cynthia Ann April 1880
    William Irving Albritton February 1878 - ?, married on 12 April 1894

    Joseph Daniel 25 September 1882 - 2 April 1964, married 20 Nov 1902
    Minnie Jane Henderson 18 August 1884 - 18 July 1981

    Mathew Mark Luke John (Math) 30 October 1886 - 12 November 1961
    Emeline Albritton 29 October 1891 - 20 September 1974

    Lillie Rosabelle 21 March 1887 - 9 April 1947, Married 11 January 1900
    Thomas Cox 8 November 1861 - 18 March 1947

    (Written on Lillie's monument which is at Peter's feet: "Lillie Cox Mar. 21, 1887 Apr. 9, 1937 In God we trust.")

    Joseph Daniel Griffin 25 Sept 1882 - 2 Apr 1964, Married 20 Nov 1902
    Minnie Jane Henderson 18 Aug 1884 - 18 Jul 1981 (Joe and Minnie are buried at Mt. Olive P.B. cemetery near Manor, GA.)

    Children and Spouses

    Thelma Grace 17 Oct 1904 - 7 Dec 1980, Married 20 May 1920
    Willie Joshua Ammons (Thelma and Willie are buried at Kettle Creek Cemetery.)

    Thyra Floree 31 May 1908 - 15 Aug 1996, married 24 Dec 1925
    Joseph Arson Howard 25 Nov 1907 - 7 Aug 1962
    Roscoe L. Addison 15 July 1898 - 12 Dec 1984 (Thyra and Roscoe are buried at Booth Cemetery in Manor, GA.)

    James Peter "Jim P" 22 Dec 1910 - 5 Oct 1986, married 3 Apr 1938
    Willie Mae Tillman 18 May 1920-12 Aug 1995 (Jim P and Willie Mae and son, Jimmy are buried in Quitman, GA.)

    Leon Dawson "L D" 21 Mar 1913 - 22 Dec 1971, married 17 Feb 1934
    Mildred Catherine McQuaig 16 June 1916 (L D is buried in Booth cemetery.)

    Marguerite Nannie 23 Feb 1916 - 28 Sept 1997, married 6 July 1934
    Leland Charlie Booth 28 Dec 1914 (Marguerite is buried in Booth cemetery.)

    Myrtle Loree 27 Apr 1919 - , married 7 Apr 1938
    Oscar B. Boyd 8 Jan 1912 - 23 June 1963 (Oscar is buried in Booth cemetery.)

    Mildred Louise 17 Dec 1921 - 31 Oct 1924 (Little Mildred is buried at Piney Grove P B Church out of Ruskin, GA.)

    Alice Virginia 9 Feb 1924 - , married 16 May 1939
    Frank Leland Casey ( ) - Killed during WW2 29 Nov 1943
    Charles Pendleton Eastland 3 June 1923 - 23 Mar 1995, married 22 July 1945 (Charles is buried in Booth cemetery.)

    Joseph Darrell 31 July 1927, married 5 Oct 1947
    Mary Nell Joyce 10 Nov 1929 -

    Updated 15 May 1999...
