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Know about Yoga Basics
Yoga means 'unity' and is derived from Sanskrit word 'yuj' which means 'to join'.This 'unity' is of individual with the universe. On a practical level, yoga is for balancing and harmonising the body, mind and emotions.This is done through the practice of asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, shatkarma and meditation.
means 'posture'.These are the body patterns which stabilise the mind. It is of 3 kinds: Cultural, Realxative, Meditative.
means 'breath control'. Prana means 'life force'.This utilises breathing to influence flow of prana in the nadis or energy channels of the energy body.
means 'lock'. The Bandhas aim to lock the pranas in particular areas and redirect their flow into sushmna nadi for the purpose of spiritual awakening.
means 'gesture'. Mudras are a combination of subtle physical movements that alter mood, attitude, and perception. These help in deepening awareness and concentration.
means 'six action'.Shatkarma consist of six groups of purification practices.The aim is attain physical and mental purification.
Physhic Breathing
means 'brain breathing'.These are dynamic techniques with in-breath retention.
Refining Breathing
also called 'communication system'.It keeps us in communication with the nature.These are based on 'Pranayam'.

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