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by Berhane Kassa

Rastafari is the spiritual pinnacle in the evolution of African history.

Outwardly, it would appear that the descendants of slaves on the island of Jamaica in 1930 under the influence of Ethiopianism and the Black Self-Reliance teachings of Marcus Garvey developed a new religion based in the divinity of the Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie the First.

The Emperor was crowned with the biblical titles of Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of Judah by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church on November 2nd, 1930.

Internally, Rastafari is the culmination of the African spiritual search for its identity and redemption through re-unification with the Creator, JAH RASTAFARI.

It is the correction to the mistakes of the later African Pharoahs, kings, and ministers who separated themselves from the masses and thereby weakened the African nations, making themselves vulnerable to colonisation and enslavement.

Rasta is holistic, seeing that the Creator, or Love, must be acknowledged in all things, including politics, science, and art. So Rasta encourages unity, not separation.

Mystical Points To Ponder

  1. Ethiopia, or Kush, is the world's first civilization.

  2. The dreadlocked Twa people (so-called "Pygmies") are the first form of humans. They hail from Kilimanjaro at the source of the Nile River.

  3. The Ghizeh Plateau in Egypt is originally called Ramsta, meaning "The Pathway To Heaven".

  4. The concepts "King of kings", "Lord of lords", and "Messiah" are all Ethiopian in origin.

  5. Haile Selassie's ancestor, King David of Israel, was the original Lion of Judah.

  6. The Star of David (6 pointed) is the symbol of the brightest star, Syrius.

  7. Haile Selassie was born on the day of the Rising of Sirius, July 23rd (1892).

  8. The day of the Rising of Sirius was the most holy day in the calendar of ancient Kemet ("Egypt"), because on this day the Nile overflowed, annually irrigating the fields.

  9. Ethiopia, the world's first Christian nation, is the only one that holds both Christian and Judaic culture simultaneously, keeping as holy both the 7th day (of Sabbath rest, Friday night and Saturday) and the 1st day (of Resurrection, Saturday night and Sunday).

  10. The authentic Ark of the Covenant is in Axum, Ethiopia.


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