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Berhane Kassa

It is tragic, but by design we are not taught how to discipline the mind.
We are not told of its capabilities or its limitations.

The nature of different mental states such as trances and paradigms (world-views) are not widely taught, so people are easily programmed and controlled, believing their programme to be the whole of reality.

We are taught to fear mental illness and insanity, but we are not taught what sanity is.
Insanity is desire and action contrary to compassion for all life.
Sanity, or a clean mind, is desire and action taken to benefit all life.

Love of life starts with love for your self -- such love of self as to transcend the lower, animal nature.

Modes of Thought

Engaged thinking
is you as the ego, conscious of yourself figuring something out. Like the statue The Thinker, your hand is on your chin and your attention is on thought, not your environment.
Unengaged thinking
is when your attention is on something external. The thoughts are background to this object. You are not aware of yourself tinking.
Pure trance
is when you are so caught up in something that you forget yourself completely. Examples of this are intense sexual relations and deep meditation.
Neutral mode
is your mind on nothing. The mind at rest. The slowing and stopping of internal dialogue. Most people are not aware of the existence or possibility of this mode, so they never attain it.

It is important to know that all verbal thought arises from feeling in the soul and body. Thought is not independent of, but is a result of, body feeling, so we should call it "feeling thought".

Therefore your mind is not a separate part of you. It is the action of you--

  1. musing (wondering) (creating)
  2. questing
  3. crying (in pain), or
  4. paying attention, which is the quieting of the dialogue because the feeling is not in the past or the future, both of which cause insecurity.

    Divine Objective

    The main trance of our lives is our meaning or non-meaning a life -- our self imposed purpose or highest value.
    To be without purpose is to be lost and miserable.
    From my experience and study of numerous spiritual teachers the highest value is to seek the best for all beings, the best being the sustenance and freedom of choice you would want for yourself.

    The Benefit of Meditation

    Simply sitting and breathing deeply with focussed attention and straight posture, watching your mind's feeling-thoughts, strengthens the mind.
    By uniting with the emptiness of Now, which is love, you protect your mind from neuroses and fixations.

    Obsessive compulsions are crutches the insecure mind uses to fill the empty space.
    If you really want peace of mind, your enlightenment is inevitable.
    Always give thanks and praise to the Creator.

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    Principles of Critical Thinking
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    Berhane Kassa

    Critical thinking is the ability to judge any information and place it in a workable model of reality.
    --in short, to decide what is true and what is false as far as this is possible.

    The first principle is to make no assumptions without reliable evidence.
    If you think you know something or stereotype something without PAYING ATTENTION you cannot analyse clearly.
    We can, of course, allow for basic assumptions such as "I am" and "The world is", etc.
    So it is wise to withhold judgement until you get convincing evidence.

    Some other principles of critical thinking are:

    An inherent quality of the mind to affirm or deny. The inevitable inference or conclusion of certain information. Remember that an individual's thinking and logical decisions are based on their basic assumptions and values.
    Definition of Terms
    Check the real meaning of opposing concepts to see if there is a difference between them.
    Check the value to actual living of any theory. Does believing it make you and the world better.
    Occam's Razor
    Avoid the multiplication of unnecessary factors to explain something, when a simpler explanation will work.
    Relative eEmotional Attachment
    Avoid being influenced by possible bias or personal gain. Avoid being influenced by emotionalism and rhetoric. It is largely our choice how we allow emotions to affect us.
    Analysis of Evidence
    Seek both quality and quantity. Check if the source of the evidence is reliable and unbiased. Types of evidence are:
    1. Intuition - common sense or hunches
    2. Experienced authorities - Testimony of ancient writings or old people
    3. Personal experience - Seeing and hearing for yourself
    4. Eye-Witness Testimony
    5. Analogy - Seeing patterns in differennt situations
    6. Scientific Research - This brings us to the SCIENTIFIC METHOD
      1. Hypothesis: Proposed theory
      2. Induction: Discovery by experiment and observation -- from the particular to the general
      3. Deduction: Defining something particular based on a general premise. Judgement based on a rational pattern
      4. Trial and error: Accurate recording of experimental results for a substantial number of times
      5. Formulation of the Theory as a predictor of certain results.
      6. The Concensus of the Scientific Community: The scientific method is not absolute but is weighty evidence.

    Reality is mysterious and not completely definable. Remember the map is not the territory.

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