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Places on the World Wide Web I Adore, and Maybe Someday, You Will Too!

Hey! I see your quite interested to see the place on the web, that I enjoy most. I visit so many sites a day, so you should come back every once in a while, just to check to see if I have any new ones!

Mediaish Links *TV, Movies, and such*

ABC's Two guys and a girl website. This happens to be my favorite show, so check it out.
NBC's Friends site. (my second favorite, I know you all LOVE this show!)
ABC's Dharma and Greg site. More shows I like, this cute duo deserves the attention!
Talk Soup, allthough taken over by some 'Hal Sparks' guy, is still a pretty funny show. try it.. you'll see.
Dead Man on Campus. VERY funny movie. Check out the site!
A Night at the Roxbury, nother funny flick!
There's just something about that Mary!! What is it? Go Find Out!!
Armageddon....Ben Affleck..need I say more?
Barenaked ladies....The most popular music group NOBODY knows about!! Help these boys get some recognition....
Music Music and more music... I like a lot, so here's just a place to buy cd's CHEAP

Fun Sites We Can All Get Along With....

Bored? Good, follow me!
Ben Affleck's Official Page..He made it himself...with help. :)
Want FREE e-mail? Yes.Yes. I said FREE!!
Football lovers..come one come all!!
The dumpster diver...Mad at some one? Wanna play a trick. Give them a present from a dumpster.. Really.
Send cute little movies to your friends, loved ones...whoever. And don't forget glow boy.
Foward funny things to people you know. very cute
JONES SODA ROCKS!!!! C'mon and give it a go, cause I'm jonesin for a jones!
It's like an online magazine.. so visit, and win cool prizes!!!
One of my uncles 4 pages....
# 2 of his pages
Virtual page..very cool
Last of his pages

Sites to enhace yourself *Clothes, Makeup,etc.*

Levi's- Look thru some cool clothes, and hit the 'style finder'- It asks personal questions to find your perfect style!
Girl Cool New York Trends, kinda expensive, but very cutting-edge
Deila's Has the best clothes! here you can shop, or if you want call out for your own catalog!
Kennith Cole-- Find fab shoes, Sexy shades, and Bad belts... for not so expensive prices!
Boo-- interactive shopping trailer.. Search for stuff however you like, and check out your clothes from all angles..*free s&h*
Blue Fly-- Grat Clothes For Exellent prices!!! *GREAT SPOT!!*
Go Jane-- Femme basics for less moolah!
Eve- choose from so many beauty supplies, and go crazy. And go to see Gifts, Trends, and Advice