The unemotional Charon is left to gaurd Pluto and Charon while Sailor Pluto holds the gates of time. She defended her planet the best she could, and when all else looked bleak, she sacrificed herself for it. But later, when Nereid risked her life to save Charon's, something changed within her, and a friendship was forged.
Name: Kameon
Age: 16
Favorite color: Green and Yellow
Home Planets: Charon of Pluto
"Charon, Star Power, Make-up!"
Her transformation call.
Her staff appears in her hand and begins to glow. The light
covers Charon, and when it leaves she stands in her green
and yellow uniform.
"Charon Molecule Arrest"
The deadliest attack
Raising her staff abover her head she shouts out the attack and a multitude of
lights streams out in assorted colors and wraps the target. Inside the
rainbow, the target is changed to dust.
"Midnight Cry"
An attack she uses when defending Nereid.
Her staff becomes a sphere of purple light and as it comes before her she
shoots it forward and it strikes the target, killing it.
"Atom Displacement Revelution!"
The forbidden attack
Positioning her staff before she, she parts her hands and it floats up, the orb
overshadowing her face. Speaking the words of the attack everything
in the area is frozen.
When using the attack Charon cannot move herself for days, till
the attack wears off. Also, it can only cover half a planet.
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