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Hey! Check out these greats sites run by my friends and family!

Want to find a place with tons of listed Sailor Moon fanfic sites? Well this is the place to go! (You'll even find us in there somewhere! ^_^

The Anime Wars is an RPG site. Playing a max of two cartoon/anime characters, you go around fighting and raising you experience to become the best. I play Uranus and Jupiter on the site. Check it out!

My Younger sister's site. Like the Banner? The girl looks familiar doesn't she? Well, Trisha borrowed her. ^_^ This site holds Trisha's Pokemon stories and my Star Wars stories. Little sisters can rock.

A Sailor Moon Gif Page that I really liked. Take a peek, maybe you'll see something familiar?

Transparent Gif Gift Shop

Another great site for images. Tiara (the girl who does most of those some pictures for the stories) and myself go to.

A site to my favorite Outer Senshi, Sailor Uranus.

A Very cool page about another scout. Two Thumbs up!(Not three because Tiara hasn't seen it yet! ^_^ )

A Relly cool site about another Sailor Moon series. Sailor Moon E (Earth) We've all read it and liked it. Danny liked the sound page they have so much, that he had us make one too. Check this place out!

Are you looking for Sailor Moon Episodes? Well this place has 'em! The episodes not aired in the first season to Sailor Stars!!!!! If you have Real Player G2 you can come here to download the episodes!

Here is the ulitimate area for finding Sailor Moon pages, and other Anime stuff! ^_^

[Anime Web Turnpike]
Anime Web Turnpike

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