Ps : I'm going to erase all update dates on the page but the one below... we're over a year old now! ^_^
Put up some pictures in the gallery. If you don't want to hunt them down you can visit them indivdually here.
Sailor Cosmos attacking with her sword.
A nice pic of Dera from the Sailor Moon S Crossover section.
Sailor Gallilean from SMS:Crossover - using the Callisto Staff to ward off an attack.
A small pic of Sailor Titan's upper body and face.
The second picture made with Nuoto.
Well, I've updated the Fanart section. Shadow Hunter and Soul Stalker are up in there as well as some of my pictures. Enjoy! *whew* ~LIN
Ah... triple 01. ^_^ I love it when a date looks like that. - To business. I've updated the Voice-Overs (previously known as the Recordings section) with everything set up nice and neat in tables like the opening page. Take a look!
Funny how time seems to change around a person. I, Lin am now the soul owner of the Guardian Scouts. Tiara now lives in Pennsylvania and Danny has decided he doesn't want to do it anymore. So It's just going to be me. :( But fear not - because I am going to be trying to update more. Like the new look on the front page? Yes, changes are going to occur. When I'm done remodeling, I will be working on the SMG story. I mean - this place hasn't been updated since JUNE! Good Golly Miss Moly! ^_^ That's going to change!
~@~ Lin
The Gaurdian Scouts Page is created.