Name: Alyssa
Age: 16
Favorite color: Brown and Orange
Home Planet: Xenda of Xanthia
Xenda, Star Power, Make-up!:
Transformation phrase.
A black liquid arrises around her body and clings around her body. It changes colors to become an orange and brown uniform as it legenths.
World, Workings! :
Main attack
Shouting out her attack the world trembles and splits open. Vines from
below shoot upwards and wrap themselves around the target. The vines
then glow, and burn the target.
Supreem Darkness :
Strongest attack
Raising her right arm out, her fingers spred like claws, she
shouts the phrase and a large sphere of darkness appears above
the enemy. It hovers a moment while any sounds made are muffled,
and then shoots down, ingulfing them.
When it dissappears and the enemy is either dead, or seriously wounded,
pending on the strength of the attack.
Shadow Sword Annilation
Her eyes glow with dark energy as she flicks her wrist. A sword appears
in it with a dark blade. Lifting it, she points it at the subject and calls out her attack.
The sword glows with dark energy and the energy shoots out and hits the
subject, committing varrying damage.