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More of Our Favorite Links

Here are some more of our favorite links . They are useful for all sorts of reasons! Please let us know if any of them don't work anymore.

Craft Pages links - Type in the materials you have on hand and get a list of possible crafts! - General crafts for kids - Simple projects for kids to do - Lots of crafts for kids, some Girl Scout/Guide ones too

Favourite Guide/Scout Unit Websites

"Yuppy" - Great website by a local South Australian leader - lots of stuff
"World Guiding" - Information on the countries involved in Girl Guiding/Scouting
"Becky's Guiding Resource Centre" - great place for games, words for songs, camping tips etc...
"Troop website" - Lots of resources including Thinking Day
"Girl Guides/Scouts" - Famous Girl Guides
"Animated Knots" - Learn to tie all sorts of knots by watching these animated ropes

Program Resources

"Holidays" - Find out what holidays are being celebrated around the world
"Puzzlemaker" - Make your own word puzzles
"Myths & Legends" - Myths and Legends from around the world
"Science" - Science experiment of the week - good for science nights!
"NASA Women" - Women in Space: online chat, interviews etc
"Society of Women Engineers" - Lots of science based activities
"Astronomy" - Astronomy website
"Careers" - Australian careers info

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