Love is a hard thing to come-by. Its not very often you'll see two people so in love that you know nothing can brake them apart.. Sometimes I wish I could have something like that.. But don't we all wish that.. Love is a word that is so easy to say.. You can't always believe that if someone says they love you, that they really do. love is just a word that anyone can say.. Love can also be a strong word.. There will be the people who wont say I love you to anyone unless they truly mean it.. I myself use to be like that, but everyone says I love you to everyone, so its hard to say to someone "You don't love me, stop throwing that word around like its nothing." I came to believe that love is just a word.. You say it whenever you like.. I say it.. And you say.. "i do love people though" you say.. Of course you love people.. But how do you know when you REALLY love someone? When they bring a rose and leave it on your door step? when they send you love letters? When they ask you to marrie them? you decide...
I hope this next part of my page makes sense to you and you get what I'm saying.. I really blew up and I read it over and just left it on here.. Cause I do agree with it still.. I hope you get what I mean by it..
You know what I hate so fuckin much?!? People fuckin lying to me! Everyone fuckin lies to me and its so bitchy.. They expect to be trusted but how can you trust someone that lie's.. YOU CAN'T!!! Grr at this fucking world of liars. Twice someone told me they would never do drugs again twice they promised.. Twice they fuckin lied.. Twice 2 people promised me they wouldn't drink twice, they drank.. So many fuckin things people lie about.. Its so stupid.. grrr!!! What's the point of lying anyway? it gets you no where! If you lie to not hurt someone, you just make it worse cause you lied.. Tell the fucking truth.. And if you say that you're not going to do something don't fucking go out and do it.. Don't tell someone your not gonna do something if you have a small chance of doing it.. Its pointless. When you say your not gonna do something then you go and do it than means you lied! If you dont want to hurt someone then DONT LIE!! dont do something that you told someone you wern't gonna do..