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ThiS Is MuH PoeTrY PaGe. I HoPe YoU LiKe Em.

font size=4>Inside my heart

There will always be

A room just for you

Filled with sweet memories

A place that only

Your love can fill

Your warm smile

Giving me such a thrill

Inside my heart

Forever will stay

A place for you

Thats only a kiss away

And love that only

Exist for you my sweet

For in you embrace

You make "me" complete

Inside my heart

There is only you

An external love

That is forever true

Only you hold the key

To my heart and soul

Only you are in my heart

Making my life whole.


Missing You

Fire racing flame

My mind is cluttered-full of lies

All your answers sound the same

I dont know what to think

Too much is on my mind

Nothing seems the way it should

And i'm running out of time

The wick is disappearing

Someone please tell me what to do

My mind tells me it's over

But I'm still missing you.

Sorry this poem is untitled.
I miss you so much

And you've just left

My smile is gone

There's been a theft

Too far away

You now must go

My sadness I try

Not to show

I need you here

I need you here

For me to hold

Macon is

Much too cold

I want you here

To hold me tight

To kiss me sweetly

To say goodnight

I loved your hands

Along my back

True gentleness

You never lacked

So big and Strong

You seem to me

With you is where

I want to be

Why must you go

So far away

How I wish

That you could stay

I know you said

Not to wait

And I'm certain

You will date

But I don't know

Just what to do

I feel so lost

Here without you

You'll meet someone new

I'll be alone

We'll keep in touch

But my chance I've blown

In my heart

You will always stay

I'll miss you more

And more each day

I understand

That you must go

My love for you

You'll never know.

Lonesome Tear By Melissa Martinez and Lori Hankinson

I should have listened to you more

I should have done what you said

Oh Mom, I am so sorry

I hope you understand

I should have hugged you everyday

And asked how work went

I never wanted to upset you

It was not intentionally meant

You cried at my graduation

And hated to send me away

I regretfully was ready to leave

But I wish I would've stayed

You told me to call and write

But I never picked up the phone

I meant to call you everyday

I'm sorry I left you alone

I can't believe how dispiciable I was

I took for granted what you gave

You loved me even after

I misused you in everyway

When ever I finally realized

How wrong I had been from the start

I sat and cried in shame

Knowing I had broken your heart

I wish I could go back

And change the things I've done

Oh Mom, If I could

I'd be the perfect son

But now the roles are reversed

You're no longer hear

Standing at your casket

I shed a lonesome tear.

Send Me Love

If only I stopped

To look and see

Who I was hurting

We would still be

I didn't take the time

To get to know you

I just took things

That I thought were mine

I did it without a care

And I hurt you in the process

It was almost like a dare

That you didn't want to take

I would leave

And come back

While you tried to

Fill in the holes in which we lack

I should have listened more

When you tried to talk

But all I did was shut the door

And I hurt you more than I thought I could

To me love

Was something I couldn't get

But you were sent from above

I just didn't take the time so see

Now it's too late

I've lost you

To your own fate

He took you back

To where you belong

'Cause GOD knows I didn't deserve you

Only if I had the time

To tell you I love you

More than anyone

That lonely day

In the hospital

I wish I had the voice to say

"Please Stay"

I held your hand

The whole day

I finally got the courage

To tell you that I loved you

But once again I was too late

So know a week late

I'm looking above

To tell GOD for you

I truely did love

I just didn't know

Until you took him away

I ask Why

Why couldn't my love stay

GOD please send me love

And this time I won't mistreat it

I close my eyes and wish

One the stars above

Send me love

Once again..

Goodbye to Love

I'm sorry

I couldn't be perfect

I'm sorry

I disobeyed your every word

Only if I did what you asked

Everything would have become such a blur

You ask me not to

And I did as I pleased

I didn't need you

I should have listened to you more

But I didn't care

And I hurt you to the core

I had to get away

So, I left you

But I wish I would've stayed

If I could go back

I'd change everything

Even the things we lack

I can't believe how I treated you

But not matter how much it hurt

Your love for me was nothing but true

I'm sorry

I couldn't be the best

I'm sorry

All that I could be was a disappointment

My harshness

Was not intentionally meant

How I wish I could have said goodbye

I was too late

Now all i can do is cry

I stand at the place

Where you took me last

I miss all your glory and grace

I wish you were here

So I could say

One last thing in your ear

As I look up above

I close my eyes

and say goodbye to love..


I'll tell you rather slowly

So it'll get throught to you

My feelings for you

Are nothing but true

I wish you could take the time to see

How much you really mean to me

But instead you walk away

Why can't you stay

Sometimes I break down and cry

Everytime you say goodbye

I just want to fall down and die

But instead I'll just sigh

You'll come back

Knowing I still love you

Baby, what is it that we lack

What am I to do

The pain is to hard to bare

If you really care

You'd stay with me always

But you'll just walk away

So now I say goodbye

For you I will die..