American Beauty

Kevin Spacey stars as a man whose family hates him. His wife hates him for being a non-aggressive drone worker, and his daughter hates him because he always seems to e sexually interested in her friends.

A new family has just moved in next door, and the dad is a retired Army Lieutenant, the mom is a semi comatose vegetable, and the son videotapes everything he finds beautiful. That inludes Kevin Spacey's Daughter.

The wife starts cheating on Spacey with the self proclaimed "King Of Realty," the daughter goes out with the guy next door, the ex-military officer begins to suspect his son is gay, due mainly to a large series of misunderstandings, and Spacey and his daughter's friend become attracted to each other.

Then he dies. This is not a spoiler since it is mentioned in the beginning of the movie.

WHo kills him, however, is a twist from what you initially suspect.

This was an interesting movie, and it was humerous, and touching. The plot was good, and the acting was good, also. I give it Four Field Mice.

And, as always, Ebert can have the Balcony, the Sneak Previews guys can have the Aisle seats. I want the exact middle!

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