My new movie review is for another movie that is comparable to a Stephen King book. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is about a little girl who gets lost in the woods, and is being pursued by something called the god of the lost. Eventually she escapes, and is rescued by a kindly backwoodsman.
The movie I am reviewing, The Blair Witch Project, is also about a girl who gets lost in the woods, and is being chased by an evil spirit.
Fortuantely, though, she has two friends to help her out.
I think everyone pretty much knows the plot of this movie, and knows, or can infer what happens to the three, so I wonÕt bother to go into the details.
Lets let it rest at One of the Documenters disappears, and the other two follow the thirdÕs screaming voice to a house, where they search the entire place, find no one, and disappear.
This is, Hands Down the Freakiest movie I have seen in a long time. There wasnÕt really anything scary going on until the VERY VERY VERY end, and then it just goes wack on you.
I give it 4 5/8 Field Mice. It was wonderfully constructed, the acting was superb (mainly because the actors were really stuck in the woods with no contact with anyone at all, they were given less and less food as the shoot went on, the crew of the movie kept them up at night, furthering along their psychological breakdown, and everything that happened to them they didnÕt know was going to happen), the ending was great, and it was just over all a good movie.
There was, however, a fair amount of cursing, especially when you find out what happened to the map they had. There is no sex, however.
So, as a morality rating, I give it 2 1/2 Field Mice.
The movie is rated R, mainly becaue it is VERY intense, and the ending is very very freaky. (thatÕs the only word I can think of, which is why I am using it so much- It fits perfectly). The ending doesnÕt make you scared right in the the theater though. ItÕs when youÕre laying in bed, trying to go to sleep that the movie makes you think about it.
This is a movie that you should go see, if only to see a different kind of filming technique. There is no special effects, no CGI, no animatronics. Just good old fashioned scare tactics.
And the ending? The ending is freaky.