Double Jeopardy

A lady is accused of killing her husband, tried, convicted, and sent to jail. She learns her husband is alive, and then learns about the Double Jeopardy rule. Since she was already convicted of killing her husband, she can actually kill him, and not get in trouble for it. She gets out on good behavior, and is put under the care of a Lawyer/cop. She then proceeds to break parole, and track down her husband. The parole officer chases her all the way across the country, and finally finds her, just as she finds her husband.

When I first saw the preview for this movie, I thought it would be a third movie in the Tommy Lee Jones as the US Marshall Trilogy (think The Fugitive and US Marshalls). SO, i went and saw it, and it wasn't. It was blood from the same vein though. The Fugitive escapes, almost gets caught, escapes, almost gets caught, escapes, almost gets caught, escapes, proves she's innocent, and get's the bad guy.

I give this movie Three Field Mice. It was entertaining, but if you've seen The Fugitive, you've seen this movie.

And, as always, Ebert can have the Balcony, the Sneak Previews guys can have the Aisle seats. I want the exact middle!

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