First, The real lifers.
Most importantly, and so taking first place on my list of friends is Jenn. She is one of the most important people in my life, and I will always love her, even after everything that's happened. I'm sorry Jenn.
Jeremy (silent assassin)- Keep up the good drama work, and don't ever let another baby's head fall off! Otherwise, you'll have me to answer to.
Missy- Treat Jeremy with respect, otherwise.... well, he won't like you anymore. I love ya darlin'
Laura- Thanks for everything you've taught me about life and living, I don't think I'll ever forget. And I WILL remember everything you told me to remember. I love you, too.
Lynn- Hey there kid. I don't know if you'll ever see this, but I hope you will. I miss you immensely, and I hope you keep in contact with me. If you ever get email, write me! I wanna keep in touch with you. I'll be coming back to Cali ONE YEAR AFTER you graduate, so try to stick around so I can see your beautiful countenance again.
Jonny- Someday, my friend, Someday I WILL beat you in Pente. I did it once, i can do it again. Just give me a few months (years) to practice and I'll whoop on you something awful.
David Phears (pronounced "fears")- Thanks for posting these pages for me, and sacrificing valuable time, and semi-valuable web space for it.
The Buschhauses- There's a lot of you, so let's tackle this in turn. BTW, since you all like reading, Read the Wheel of Time series by a fellow named Robert Jordan. The Wheel of Time puts Tolkien to shame. The story is longer, the plot is better (not to mention more intricate), and the events leave you wondering WHODUNIT???
Naomi- Here you are, achieving your semi- fame on my web page. Congratulations. Now everybody will know that you are my friend!!!! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Your plan is foiled!
Lucas- Dude, NeXT time we play chess, let me win! You spend too much time thinking. If we played a Blitzkrieg Match, I bet I would win.
Jesse- Hurry up and get a new microphone so you can finish those OrcDuck sounds as well as the German human sounds.
Phebe- You're too short. You need to grow. But not too much. You're still really young for pete's sake.
Mary (Invertigo)- Does that nick come from the Great America ride? I still haven't been on it. Doesn't look like I ever will be either. Oh well. Thanks for the fun. GET A MAC!!
And now, the Internet buddies.
Fortune- I'm glad I finally managed to get back in touch with you. I'm glad you're one of my friends, and I hope we can stay friends for a long time. Thanks for not staying mad at me. It really means a lot to me.
Tara (Mangeria)- I haven't seen you in a while darling. Where you been? I miss you a whole heck of a lot. Do you know how much stuff I have stored up for you? TONS. I love ya, sweet thang.
Serafelle- Again, I am truly sorry about the insinuation I made. I have paid the price, and I wish to hear nothing more about it.
Nicole, Formerly known as Chissa- Thank you allowing me to be your warder when you were an Aes Sedai, and your husband to be when you were Nesta. I'm sorry we never got the chance to get married. Feel free to come down and visit me anytime. Love ya.
TeXnPest- Nice nick. Where'd you get it? Hey, didja notice that if ya rearrange the letters, you get NeXTStep, the name of the poster of this page? Hmmmmmm. Interesting.
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Well, I guess that's it. If you know me, and I forgot you, Email me and yell long and loudly at me for it because I did. I'm sorry if I did, and I am willing to submit myself to criticism for it.