Kevin Bacon plays a man who is hypnotized by sister-in-law, and given a post hypnotic suggestion to "become more open minded; to see more of the world around" him. And he does.
Boy does he.
He begins to see ghosts, and hear things, and become obsessed with other things. He begins to unravel a thirty year old mystery that has been hanging around the neighborhood, and finds out who the culprits are.
This seemed to me to be more a rehashing of The Sixth Sense, then anything else. Guy sees ghosts who help him solve a mystery. Same type of plot.
This one is different though, but in a way i can't explain.
I give this movie Three Field Mice.
And, as always, Ebert can have the Balcony, the Sneak Previews guys can have the Aisle seats. I want the exact middle!