This is the tale of a married couple's 15 years together. The story is told in an interesting mix of flashbacks, and present day. There isn't much to say, or perhaps there's too much to say, since it's the story of a complete fifteen year marriage, but it chronicles the love-you's, hate-you's, it's a boy, it's a girl, are we going to stay together? doubts of a marriage.
Bruce Willis and Michelle Pfeiffer are the couple, and they are constantly fighting. Everything breaks out into an argument, and yelling and screaming, and cursing is the result.
This was actually a pretty good movie, and it was well put together. The ending is very nice, considering the rest of the movie was somewhat dark, and Pfeiffer has a really cool speech at the end that I really enjoyed.
I give this movie Four Field Mice.
One interesting thing to watch for is an outside scene where Bruce Willis and one of his friends are out walking, and talking. As they walk, they pass by a waist high glass railing. Looking into the glass, you can see the reflection of their legs as they walk, but further back, moving with them, is a pair of legs in white pants, and when they stop moving, the white panted legs stop moving. Congratulations. You've just spotted the cameraman.
And as always, Ebert can have the Balcony, The Sneak previews guys can have the Aisle seats, I want the exact middle!