The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

This story recounts the historic efforts of Joan of Arc, a lady who believed she was commanded by God to beat the English back out of France, and to reclaim France for God.

She comes to the Future king, and convinces him to let her lead his armies.

He agrees, and she begins to beat back the English. Unfortunately, the English hold her, and the ing of France decides he doesn't need her anymore, and withdraws his support. She is then captured by the English, and prosecuted by the church as a heretic.

The problem with this movie is that the beginning is slow, and boring, and soem of the sequences you aren't sure are dream or reality until it actually ends. Then, she gets her army, and storms the English, and some good action scenes commence. Then, she is captured, and it goes slow and boring again.

It went on that way for about two and ahalf hours, and then it ended, with her burning at the stake.

I give it Three Field Mice.

And, as always, Ebert can have the Balcony, the Sneak Previews guys can have the Aisle seats. I want the exact middle!

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