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"Y-ya know Jennifer, Theres something I've been m-meaning to tell you since you came to visit." Jc told Jennifer with a quivering voice.
"What is it Jc?" Jennifer was scared to think what was going to come out of his mouth next. She had just lost her best friend in an accident and she didnt want him to say anything that would crush her.
"W-w-well.. umm I dont know how to say this but um.-"
"SPIT IT OUT!!!" Jen screamed. Jc had this look of horror on his face and he didnt know what to say. "look I'm sorry"
"No i'm the one who should be sorry for lying to you!"
"wha-wah-what!?" Jen was taken back by the fact that dear sweet jc whom she had adored for so long would lie to her.
"Well remember when I told you that Megan had died in a car accident?" Tears flooded Jens eyes as she remembered the night she got the call.


Jennifer had just gotten home from a hard day waiting tables at the local Dennys. As she walked into her LA apartment she saw a figure move in the shadows. "Hello?" she called out into the darkness but no one answered. She flicked the light switch on with her middle finger and looked horrified when she saw a tall dark man standing 5 ft in front of her holding a gun. She stood in shock as the man instructed her that if she gave him her keys and purse that he wouldnt hurt her. She didnt move and a shot was fired just missing her shoulder. She fell to the ground.
She awoke to the phone ringing in a distant bedroom. Holding the table for support to get up she quickly looked for her purse. Gone. It was all gone and she couldnt help but burst into tears. The ring of the phone echoed in her head and she ran into the bedroom and softly siad "hello?"
"Baby, whats wrong?!" the sound of Jc's voice comforted her. She had always had a crush on JC but never really had the guts to tell him. Although he wanted to know what was wrong she dare not tell JC what really happened.
"Nothing! I just tripped and fell when i was coming to get the phone."
"Ok. Well I have some bad news"
"What is it?"
" know how Megan was staying with Lance here in Orlando?"
"Well they were in a car well..Lance is ok-"
"Shes dead."
All after that was a blur. She flew to Orlando and JC was a shoulder to cry on.


The words echoed through Jens mind. "JEN?!" Jc shouted.
"oh what?"
"You remember right?"
"Well.... um...thats. thats what I lied to you about."
"what do you mean?" She asked curiously thinking the worst thing he could say was something like "oh well it wasnt a car accident she was shot" or something.
"W-well....She was in an accident..." Oh here it comes! just like i thought! Jen said to herself. "...shes still fact shes at lances right now! She was just a little hurt! But i just needed to see you! And I couldnt ask you to just come-"
"You did WHAT?!!"
" no no!! this cant be happening!!! NO! How could-?Why?!"
"Jen! I wanted to tell you I lo-"
Before he could finish she jumped out of the car. She couldnt take it. How could he do this to me?! All that pain he put me through!? Why?! And for what? So he could see me? Just to see what he did to me?
She walked down the streets of Orlando, not knowing where she was. Lost. Alone. But most of all confused. The conversation replayed in her head and she tried to figure him out.
A Red Mercades Benz rolled up next the her. The window rolled down and a farmiliar voice that she disliked so much said "Hey beautiful! What are you doin' in Orlando? I dint know you was gonna be here! Need a lift?"
Jen rolled her eyes sarcastically as she replied, "Ya know i'm only getting in your benz because I have no idea how to get to Lances! And trust me if I had a choice of riding there in a shopping cart or the "busy Benz" id chooe the cart! Theres probably been less action in it and frankly if you lay one finger on me, Ill call the cops and your beautiful "pretty-boy image" Will be crushed! Got it?!"
"Damn who peed in your Apple Jacks this morning?!"
"I'm just not in the mood. And you were pretty much the last person I wanted to see right now. Well actually that would be Jc....but your-"
"hold up! I thought you had a little thing for Jc?! What were you not puttin out enough for-"
He was cut off as Jens hand slapped him in the mouth. She felt a sudden sense of relief as Justin pulled out into the street and began to drive........


"Onions! It's WAR!!!"
Jen giggled to herself as she sat at the table next to NSYNC with her best friend, who just happened to be Lances girlfriend, Megan. That was the first thing she had ever heard JC say. They were at the taping of the Top 40 videos. Since Megan got to go on tour with them she had invited Jen to hang out with her while she watched the taping. This was the very first time Jen had met the guys. From the moment Jen had laid eyes on them she knew which ones shed get along with and who she wouldnt. She thought to herself.
Chris-Funny guy! Ill get along with him.
Joey-Clumsy! HEY i can relate!
Lance-Nice and Megans boyfriend!
Justin-BIG EGO!!! this one is gonna be hard to deal with!
But in the instant that she shook JC's hand she felt this connection with him, that she'd keep a secret with the exception of letting Megan and Lance know. "Hey beautiful!" a voice rang out from behind her. As she turned around she found herself dissappointed that it was Justin.
"Hi Justin..."She gritted her teeth trying to hide how she really felt about him.
"I looked pretty good out there in front of da camera huh? Aint I cute?!"
"That depends... Do you want the truth?"
"Yea. Tell me you love me! All da girls do!"
"Ugh! Ok heres the truth: I think your a pig headed self centered jerk off who thinks all any NSYNC fan ever care about is you!!!"
She heard a muffled laugh come from behind her. As she looked to see who it was, her heart jumped when she saw it was JC. He winked at her and shot her a smile.


"Aww dont drool on da BENZ!!! My poor baby!!!"
"Aw Justin cut the crap! I wasnt sleeping, just thinking..."
"WEll go think in there! Im late for my bleaching!"
Jen got out of the car and walked up the steps to a quaint little house with a white pickett fence. It was like one of those houses you dream of when your little. She rang the doorbell and bursted into tears when Megan answered the door.
"AW sweetie whats wrong?!"
"I..I...I thought you were....DEAD!" She managed to get out between sobs.
"DEAD?!" Megan repeated out loud. "C'mon hun lets get you inside where it's warm."
About an hour later after her shower, Jen sat on the couch in the living room. Lance was there but Megan wasnt because Jen couldnt tell the story with her in the room. Everytime she tried, she burst into tears.
"So tell me what happened." Lance said with concern for her.
"Well about a week ago....."
Jen told him the whole story adn when she was through she was very tired and went to lay down in the room she was staying in. She walked in and locked the door. She couldnt help but think of JC. As she crawled into her bed she begain to think again.


Over the summer, Jen and JC had been becoming really good friends. Almost best friends. They lay in her bed together, Jc holding her tightly.
"Why do you have to go back to LA agian?"
"I have a job JC and my vacation is over. They need me back at work"
"But cant you just stay here a little while longer?!" "I wish I could..."
JC begain singing softly into her ear "I lie awake, I drive myself crazy, drive myself crazy, thinking of you..." Jen begain softly crying.
"Baby, whats wrong?"
"I dont want to leave you! Your like a boy- uh- brother to me!" She didnt want to express her true feelings, for she feared he didnt think of her anymore than a friend or a sister for that matter. She didnt want to ruin things. "JC.... Promise you wont forget me... Promise me that when im gone no matter for how long, that youll always think of me and call me!"
HE began singing again "and i will take you in my arms and hold you right where you belong, everyword I say is true this i promise you....."


Oh god, why'd he have to do that to me? Why'd he have to lie? She asked over and over until she fell asleep.
She awoke slowly to the smell of her favorite breakfast food. Apple Jacks and bacon!! SHe jumped up and ran into the kitchen where she saw Lance trying to teach Megan how to fry the bacon. His arms were around her waist and his head resting on her shoulder.
"Must we show this much love in the morning?! Its too early! You're gonna make me puke!"
"Oh cmon! its 9:00!" Lance chuckled and kissed Jen softly on the top of her head. He had always done that when he knew something was bugging her. Nothing really affectionate but just to show Jen he did care and that everything was going to be ok.
"You call this bacon?!"Jen laughed hard as she looked down at the small Blackened peice. "I think Ill have an Otter Pop instead" she smiled.
"Uh oh! Jennifer breaking out the comfort food?! You know you only eat otter pops when something bad happens!" Megan said in a Mrs. Know-It-All voice but then imedeatly laughed.
"You never can keep a straight face can you Megan?!"
"Yea I can.... But Lance is the only one who gets to see it if you know what I mean!" Megan giggled and winked.
"Sicko!" Jen shouted as she wacked her with the closest towel she could find.
"Hey PooFu!!!" Jen reached down to pet the Puffy orange cat that was roaming through the kitchen.


"Here I want you to have this" JC handed a box to Jen as they waited for her flight number to be called and her to board her plane.
"Aww what is it?!"
"Well remember how PooFu had kittens?!"
"Oh no you didnt!!!"
Jen opened the box only to find a pair of green eyes looking back at her. She pulled her out of the box. A little black and white playfull kitty.
"Aw JC thanks!!!!" She hugged him.
"Well aren't you gonna name it?!"
"Well...hmmm....I know! Ill name it Dixie!"
"Dixie?!" he chuckled, "Why Dixie?"
"Well remember a couple weeks ago when you won me that fish at the fair? And then the bag broke so you ran around looking for something to put him in...and you found that little Dixie cup? Well you saved my little fishy's life with that cup! Too bad he died a week later!"
"Know what i'm gonna miss most about you?"
"hmm?"Jen asked playing with the kitten.
"Your sense of humor!"
"....Flight 107 now boarding....Last call for flight 107" The intercom blared out and Jen and JC hugged. "Ill miss you!"JC called after her.
"Just remember what you promised me!!!!" she screamed. Jc watched as she ran out of site. As single tear rolled down his cheek. Boy was he going to miss her.


The doorbell rang and broke into her thoughts. "Jennifer!! Its for you!!!"Lance called.
"Hey beautiful!"
Oh gosh it was that voice again she thought to herself. "Hi Justy"
"I was juss wonderin if ya wanted to go foe a ride in my benz....maybe catch a bite to eat, go shoppin!?"
"Sure, I have nothing better to do. You think you can hold on for 5 min while I get dressed? Or does that bleach in your heair seep in if you dont keep moving!?"
Justin shot her an evil look and she went to get dressed.
She walked out into the driveway adn saw justin polishing his benz with his sleeve. Jen was right behind him and obiously he hadnt seen her yet. "Alright baby we gonna go foe a nice wittle wide.. would you like that? aww i Wuv you!!!" He softly kissed the hood when all of a sudden he heard loud laughter.
"HAHAHAHA!!!!" Jen couldnt contain herself and in an instant she was rolling on the ground.
"I- uh.. i was uh- well ya see there was a lieelt uh...DIRT thats it on the-"
"Save it Juju!! I know what you were really doing!!! AHAHAHHAHA!!!!"
"Just get in the car" HE snapped half angry half embarrassed.
"Oh maybe i sould leave you 2 alone for a little while longer! I think she was enjoying the 'wittle wuv' you were giving her!!" she said mocking him.
Finally they got to the resturant. Imedeatly she reckognized it. IT was the Hard Rock Cafe that she had met JC in. She looked around and saw a farmiliar face sitting in the booth she and Megan had sat in the last time they were there "I think you should go talk to him" Justin whispered into her ear and for once in his life he actually made sense. She kissed him on the cheek and headed over to the table.
"Hi" Jen said shortly.
"Hi I was hoping you'd come."
"Well it wasnt really my choice, Justin brought me here."
"Yea I know. I asked him to....please sit down" He said with pleading eyes. "Now I know what i did was-"
"YEA it was wrong!! You had me crying myself to sleep everynight thinking 'OMG I lost my best friend' You had me wondering if I'd ever find someone to fill the hole in my heart! and what hurt me most was that you lied to me! You lied to me when i was most vulnerable! You made it feel like my heart, the one thing I trusted you the most with was ripped out and torn apart and then shoved back inside of me."
"I know i was wrong but i need to know if youll ever forgive me and-"
"Oh JC i can always forgive you, but I will never, NEVER forget!"
At that JC started crying, and said between sobs "Jennifer, I thought that was the only way i could get you to come visit me! I thought if i asked you ....well um...ok let me start again. I love you"
"You what?!"
"Oh no.. ive ruined it didnt I?! This was what I was afraid of!! this is why i didnt want to tell you! "
"No, JC I love you too!"
"Really?! So i didnt ruin anything?"
"No, I thought maybe these feelings I had for you would go away. But now they are stronger than ever and i have to say I've loved you."
He reached over and kissed her softly and then hugged her. He softly started singing in her ear "..till the day my life is through, this i promise you..." a tear rolled down her cheek and he kissed her softly again.
"haha!!! SCORE!!!!" Justin screamed in the background and Jen and JC both shot him dirty looks.