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The cold point touches my warm body.
My skin going up and down with the rapid beating of my heart.
It pricks me.
Blood trickling out of the small wound.
I'm powerless, tied down, like a puppet on a string.
Two more cold ones pinch into my body,
Ripping and tearing at the flesh, destroying everything.
It burrows deeper into my chest,
But stops as it reaches its final destination.
It gets tighter and tighter wrapping itself around my beating heart.
Still powereless,helpless, hurt.
With a jerk it pulls and yanks
Untill the clawlike structure comes out,
Equipped with my red still beating heart.
But you're not satisfied with what you've taken,
You're blood thirsty and want to destroy my heart.
So you tear and pull at it untill it rips in half.
I see the claw lurching forward again.
It pushes itself back in the hole it had made before.
It drops my heart back in place and pulls out.
I'm still in pain.
The wound closes up as if never there,
And you leave me,
With a broken heart.