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Love Takes Time

Love Takes Time
A Justin Short Story

It had been a long day at work. Carrie had waited on more tables tonight than she had the whole rest of the week.
'Only an hour until closing.' She thought.
She was collecting her tip from an empty table when the restaurant door opened. She turned her head to see a group of guys walk in.
'Oh no. It's him again.' She thought.
The guys went to that restaurant periodically when they were in the area, and Carrie always seemed to be working when they showed up.
Over a year ago was the first time the guys had met Carrie. Justin knew from the first time he saw her that day, that she was a girl he would like to get to know. He didn't necessarily want a relationship at first, but he did want to become her friend. And that's what happened.
The guys and Carrie hit it off so well in the beginning. They would always hang out together and she became a good friend to all of the guys.
After they had known each other for several months, Justin decided it was time to tell Carrie what he was feeling. She was the kind of girl he just clicked with, and that's what he was looking for.

"Carrie, can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure Justin, what is it?"
Justin grabbed her arm gently and led her near the back of the restaurant.
"Justin, the other guys already left, don't you need to get going?" Carrie asked.
"Don't worry about that. There's something I need to talk to you about."
"Is something wrong?" She asked concerned.
"No, nothing's wrong. But this has been eating away at me, and I need to tell you." He explained.
"Well, go ahead."
"These past couple months have been great. It's so nice for all of us to have a friend to hang out with. We're all really happy that we met you." He continued. "And as corny as this might sound, I've had a thing for you ever since the first day we met. I always like the girls too soon, and I didn't want to mess this up. That's why I waited. But now I need to know if you are feeling the same way."
Carrie sat silent for a moment. She wasn't expecting this.
"Justin." She paused. She didn't want to tell him the truth. She was too scared to get involved with him right now.
"Carrie, you don't have to explain you answer. I just need to know, are you feeling the same way?" He asked.
She looked up into his eyes.
"I'm sorry Justin, but no."
He looked at her once more, then let go of her arm and headed toward the restaurant door.

'Why didn't I just tell him that day?' Carrie thought to herself.
"Hey Carrie. You gonna serve that table or what?" Her manager asked.
"Yeah, I'm going."
Every time he came in the restaurant after that day, it broke her heart. She felt terrible for what she said to him.
But she knew that she couldn't let them know that something was bothering her. So, she put on a smile and walked over to the table.
"Hey guys." She said cheerfully.
"Hey Carrie, how's it going?" JC asked her.
"Pretty good. Can I get you guys something to drink?" She asked.
"Actually, I think we're ready to order." Lance said.
"Alright, what'll you have?"
The guys were all being so nice and talkative, all except Justin. The only thing he said the whole time was what he wanted to eat.
All of the times he had been in that restaurant since Carrie told him she didn't have feelings for him, he had never been able to look in her eyes. Today, her presence wasn't making him uneasy at all.
"I'll be back with your food." She said still smiling.
Carrie walked to the back and put in their orders.
She took a seat at one of the stools at the counter and looked at the guys.
'I think he's finally over me.' She thought to herself. 'He told me that day would never come, but I think it happened. He's over me.'
She buried her face in her hands. 'Why did I let him slip through my fingers? If only I wouldn't have been so shy, if only I would've told him the truth.'
She sat there, rather disturbed, until the guys' food was ready.
She took a deep breath, put on her smile, and walked back over to their table.
"Here you go guys, let me know if you need anything else, alright?"
"We will." Chris said.
Carrie walked back over to her stool and began thinking once again. She hadn't even realized how long she had been sitting there until she heard the restaurant door open. Four of the guys walked out.
Right as she looked up, she saw Justin walking over to her.
"Carrie, listen." He said sincerely. "I know I haven't brought up that night since it happened, but I think now is a good time. I can't take us both pretending that it never happened. I mean, when we're with the guys we act like friends and we act like nothing's wrong."
"We are friends Justin, that's not an act."
"Come on Carrie, you know what I mean." He said solemnly. "I know I didn't ask you to explain then, but I want to know now. What can I do to change your mind Carrie, you're all I think about, I can't get over you."
He looked at her. She really was beautiful. She was a small-framed girl, and she looked so cute and innocent.
Her head was hung low.
"Carrie." Justin said as he lifted her chin. "You at least owe me an explanation."
He brushed her blonde hair out of her face.
"We both know that there was something there, it clicked Carrie. So please just tell me what I can do."
She looked up at him, her green eyes tear-filled.
"It's not you Justin." She said softly.
"If it's not me, then what is it?" He asked.
"There's no doubt in my mind that I have feelings for you. I just didn't want to say it. You seemed to good to be true." She explained. "So many guys have sweet talked their way into my heart, then broke it shortly after. I just don't think I can take that anymore. I need time. It will take time for me to gain enough trust in someone. "
Justin softly brushed her cheek. "Carrie, not all guys are out there to hurt you."
"I know Justin, I know. But it will take time for me to get up the courage to love someone again. All of these guys have claimed to love me, and not one of them has meant it. I want to know that the guy I give my heart to means what he says. I want to know that he won't hurt me, I want to know that he cares."
"Well, how will you know anything about someone if you don't give it a chance." He said. "Carrie, I'm not asking you to fall in love with me, I'm just asking for a chance."
"Justin, I told you I had feelings for you. I should've told you that in the first place. All this time you've been thinking it was you, when it really wasn't. I care about you a lot. I just don't know if I can handle getting involved with someone."
"I understand Carrie. It'll take time." He kissed her gently on the cheek and headed toward the door.
'Don't let him walk away from you again.' Carrie thought to herself.
"Justin wait." She said. He turned around and looked back at her.
"I get off work in five minutes."