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What the..?!?

HA WELCOME and enjoy yourself here.. remember it's all in fun!

HAHAHAHA ROTFLMAO!!! I get such a kick out of this picture... so many questions about it! Who convinced them to do this? why the hell are they riding a giant banana?!? and wheres the other member of the group?!?!

Dang JC is the camera man really that ugly?!?

Wow JC its Pizza! Can you say pizza?!?

How old are we again?!? Oh you say 23?! Then why is it that you have the maturity level of a 8 yr old?

Ok this one speaks for itself!

Um Justy dont hump the jet ski! One leg on each side sweetie!

HAHA I crack up so hard everytime i see it!

"Someone shoot this kid with a tranquilizer dart!"

Hooker by day; Nsyncer by night!

AHHHH Its the attack of the killer FlyBoy!

Be afraid, be very afraid!

ha're cool whatever you say! *cough*not*cough*

Come an get it! Grrroowwll!

AHHH get him AWAY from ME!!!

I love this one! Hes such a spaz!

No I'm not *sniff* on drugs *sniff* what are *sniff* you talking *sniff* about *sniff*??

I can Just hear Lance now "SECURITY!!!!!!!!"


Ummm is anyone wondering the same thing I am? Wheres justy's pants?!? and why does he have that expression on his face?!?

AHHHH as if Justin not wearing pants wasnt bad enough now they're holding hands?!? AND Joey seems to be enjoying it!!!AHH

OMG Justy's got *gasp* a balloon Sword!!!!

well I knew Joey was like that but JC *gasp* I never!

Disturbing, very very disturbing!

He finally lets his true colors show! Im proud!

hah ok justin stop trying to ride him! I mean I know those tour busses get mighty lonely but Cmon at least not IN FRONT of the cameras!!

AHHH Evil boy in a Benz!!!! Very dangerous!!

I wanna be a cowboy baby!!!!!!

Oh thats Atractive justy!

Hah that tickles!

Another one of Justy's more atractive moments :)

I see hes been taking tips from Juju!

nice boxer briefs!

How is it that Chris looks like the only straight one out of this group? hmm could it be that lance and justy are waling arm in arm and JC is on Joeys Back?!?
