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Hate Mail!!!!

Ok Yall, so you either came here to make fun of those poor little teenyboppers who email me saying how mean i am for making fun of *N SYNC , or you are unfortunetly one of those teenyboppers that sent me hate mail and wanna see if your's is posted up here!
ok now the BIG question is Do u even like Nsync???Yes I love NSYNC with all my heart i have just come to realize all of them have theyre own flaws and more importantly i have a sense of humor and can take a joke!!** Cuz from the looks of me U dont Nsync is Off the hook and u should not even maek fun of them like that.**Let me emphasize the fact that I CAN take a joke!! Sheesh!** u dont even know them so dont even go there**No dont you go there! You cant tell me what to do you aint my momma!! How could u even put all those stuiped fact Story's up!!!! if nsync would see what ya did They would be mad.** Didnt i say at the end of the story that they were fiction? How many times do i have to repeat myself? Sheesh!! And do you know for a fact they'd be mad? I think they all have a sense of humor!!** Well i dont know and i dont care but thats Wrong IM ME **********Well if you didnt care then why did you waste my time and email me? Someone is seriously confused!!**