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Straight From His Mouth

On His Personality

"There's not a whole lot of acting required. I'm generally a fairly boisterous, occasionally obnoxious guy."

"The best compliment I've ever gotten was when a Dawson's Creek director said, 'You remind me of Holden Caulfield' [from J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye]."

"I've got an offbeat sense of humor, I guess. I enjoy laughing and having a good time, although I often get myself in trouble for it. But neither of us are mischievous for mischief's sake. I don't see the character that way."

On His Parent's Divorce

"It was painful because everything you trusted and felt secure about fell apart."

On His Clothing Style

"Tight clothes aren't my style," he says, "Look at me: I'm six feet and one hundred seventy pounds - I'm built like a twig."

"Most people call my style of dress slovenly- I call it extreme casual."

On Girls

"I like blond girls. I like brunette girls, too. I'm a fan of women, hair color is negotiable."

"If girls were not only going after me, I would not only admit it, I would probably exaggerate about the swarming masses. At this point, it's narrowed down to my little sister and a couple of girls I grew up with - but they don't exactly swarm."

"Uma Thruman is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She has these wicked eyes - it looks like there is SUCH a brain behind those eyes."

On Acting

"If I can't remember a line, I start asking a lot of questions until it comes to me. So whenever you hear me say, 'You understand?' or 'You know what I mean?,' that means I am completely lost and just buying some time."

"I think Ryan Phillippe is the real deal. He's the only next-generation guy I've met where I'm like, 'Yup, that guy is not a pretender.'"

"The Godzilla premiere was my first experience walking down the red carpet. It was so crazy. I didn't expect anybody to know who I was - but they were screaming 'Josh! Josh!'. I appreciated the sentiment but I was kinda of dehumanizing."

"I have no intrinsic or philosophic problem with doing publicity for the show. But I haven't done any Joshua Jackson publicity. There's no reason for me to be hawking myself. It makes me very uncomfortable."

On Pacey

"Number one second banana is a most worthy mantle to wear."

"Pacey exists to bring a little levity into Dawson's melodramatic life. He's the kind of guy who deals with everything by turning it into a joke."

"I'm having a blast doing Pacey. The writers give me nothing but fun stuff to do. Half the time, I play Pacey as the wacky, goofy, comedic guy. Other times, I do heavy stuff. It's an immensely satisfying and fulfilling role."

"Pacey's a flawed character. You get to see the imperfections, the chinks in his armor. Dawson's righteous and intensely self-analytical. Pacey's a guy who can't help but live for the moment. I had the same kind of problem. When I was 15, I couldn't see myself as 16. You end up shooting yourself in the foot a lot, because you don't see any of the self-destructive things you're doing."

On Dawson's Creek

"When Dawson's started, the four of us hung, like, eighteen hours a day because we didn't know anybody else. We were like this minifamily. Now we know things about each other that we shouldn't."

"I hope the show runs forever!"

On Meredith Monroe

"Meredith is an instantly endearing person. Everyday I wake up and thank my lucky stars that I have to spend all my time with her."

On Michelle Williams

"When she wants to be, she can be quite engaging."

On James Van Der Beek

"He's the one everybody loves to love. I don't have to worry about throngs of girls. That's more James's thing."

"He's the good-looking, polite, college educated kid who says 'sir' and ma'am.'"

People called us the Odd Couple, and I was definitely not Felix."

On Emilio Estevez

"The Mighty Ducks was the first big movie I got, and he continues to be a blessing in my life. He's gone through this and made it to the other end a sane, happy, well-adjusted man."

On Teendom

"Life is hard sometimes;teendom is tough. Dealing with the pain and tragedy of like is good."

On Future Endeavors

"Going to a university is a major goal of mine. I can read all the books I want, but the biggest blessing of the university atmosphere is to sit among a group of my peers and reap the benefit of 40 minds tackling a problem."
