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Miss You

"This is hard for me Samantha. Im not sure what I'm going to do now....It's gonna be real hard. But we'll make it through. Me and Joshua, we can do it. You left me with this gorgeous fallen angel and its more than I could have asked for. God blessed me with both of you. And I don't know why I was so lucky" Justin paused and looked up at the sky as a light breeze made him shiver. Tears were already streaming down his face and he could hear the whispers of the people watching him. "It's raining and its cold and dark now. The angels must be crying,crying cause i want you back....I guess that God loved you so much, he wanted you to be with him....But i don't think he realized how much I'd miss you. How much we'd miss you. Oh...Sam, we had some pretty wild times together...I love you more than anything, you know that right? And I would have done anything for you....I love you so much....sooo much" Her skin looked softer than usual. Her lips full and red. Her hair was perfectly in place, as she lied still. She looked more peaceful than ever. Justin leaned down to give Sam one last kiss. "I'll be with you soon sugar....soon." He slipped the ring back on her finger and turned around to walk away. Looking around everyone was staring at him, looks that said "Im sorry" and "Poor guy". Looks that said "Thats a shame" But what did they know? They didnt know what her and Justin had gone through. How much they had loved each other. No one knew. And it hurt Justin that everyone felt sorry for him because they really didnt care. No one did but him. The days he spent with Sam had been the best days of his life, and no one knew what had happened......

It had been a picture perfect romance, Just like out of a fairy tale. Samantha had walked into her Orlando apartment and kicked her shoes off. There had been a message on the answering machine and she went over to go listen to it. An unfamiliar voice rang out of the machine "You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not scream, Or Ill kill you, you wanna know why? Because I'm coming back.....for you......." Sam stood in silence as the hair on the back of her neck stood up. There was chuckling after the twisted song that gave her chills. This had to be a joke right? Just a prank call. Sam picked up the phone and called Justin, just to hear his voice.
"Hey Justin....I was just wondering if you wanted to come over or something..." Her voice sounded shaky and Justin knew something was wrong.
"Sure sugar...I wanted to ask you something want to go to dinner? Ill pick you up in an hour?"
"Sure" Sam smiled to herself as she hung up the phone. *I wonder what she has to ask me*
Justin came and picked her up and took her to a fancy resturant. "So what was it that you wanted to ask me?" Sam was curious and Justin could tell she was anxious to hear what he had to say. "Well....lemme go to the bathroom first."
"Ugh! Ok..." Justin got up to go and Sam sat there patiently waiting for his return. She jumped as someone tapped on her shoulder. She swung around to see Justin on one knee smiling brightly holding a beautiful engagment ring. People turned to stare as she screamed with joy. With everyone watching Justin said loudly, "Samantha, you are my sun, the air I breathe, my life. I love you more than words can say. Will you marry me?"
Samantha was speachless as she sat crying. "Yes" she managed to get out. Everyone clapped as he slipped the ring on her finger.
~*End Flashback*~

Justin made his way back to his seat, past the eyes, all the eyes watching his every move.
"Daddy why are you crying?" Joshua had asked with concern in his voice. Justin reached down and pulled the little 3 year old boy onto his lap. He was so beautiful. He stared at Joshua for a moment and then hugged him tightly, crying harder.

It had been a year since Justin proposed. They were married and nothing could be better. Except Sam had been getting a lot of those creepy phone calls lately. But she thought nothing of it. She was too happy.
"Hey sugar im home!"
"Justin! I have something to tell you!"
"Not now ok? I have a lot to do.. I gotta call my mom and mow the-"
"Im pregnant"
"The lawn and clean the....your what?!"
Samantha nodded with joy "Pregnant...I went to see the doctor today...its a boy"
"A boy?! Oh my god!" Justin scooped Sam up into his arms and swung her around." a boy.... Oh my...." a tear ran down Justins cheek as he thought of everything he could do with him. * fishing and i could take him camping and-* Justin's thoughts were broken when Sam asked if he was excited. "Sugar...we created life I happy?! Of course...this is the most amazing thing that could have happened."
After nine months Sam had a beautiful baby boy that they named Joshua. And Justin couldnt have been happier.
~*End Flashback*~

Justin sat crying still. He glanced down at his bandaged arm. He could see a red tint to it from where it bled periodically. It would leave a scar. But no bigger than the scar in his heart from it breaking.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Joshua! Happy Birthday to you!"
Noise makers blared out and everyone cheered as now 3 year old Joshua blew out his birthday candles. Little kids ran around the house and Justin sat on the floor rolling around with some. "You're such a kid! Grow up Justin" Sam yelled out to him sarcastically. Justin grinned and the phone rang. As Sam headed to the kitchen to get the phone she thought she saw a figure move in the shadows outside *it must be one of the kids*
"Hello?" she said into the phone.
"Im back baby! You shot me down, now its my turn to shoot you....Dont forget to lock the doors...hahah." Sam dropped the phone and ran into the living room where Justin was playing leap frog with the kids.
"Uh Justin can I talk to you in here?" Justin got up and walked into the kitchen. She looked a little shook up to Justin and he knew what had happened.
"Another call?"
"Yea but this time he said something weird." She told Justin exactly what he had said and then about the figure out back.
"Well I dont know about you but i think this is just a stupid prank. Ill go out back to see." Samanta followed as Justin fliped on the patio light and walked outside, and around the house.
"See, theres nothing here!" Justin turned around as he heard Samantha scream. Someone had her and he ran over to where he was. As he looked closer he reconized the face.
"Yea its me....Dont come any closer or Ill blow her head off!" He held a gun to Sam's head and Justin could see the fear in her teary eyes. Her mouth straining to scream and nothing coming out. Scott had been Justin's best friend.
"Scott what are you doing man? Jokes over let her go and put down the gun."
"This isnt a joke Justin! She chose you over me...YOU! and now you have your perfect house, perfect son.....perfect life......and what do i have?! NOTHING!"
Samantha let out a yelp as Scott grabbed her harder.
"What are you talking about?!"
"She wanted you not me. I loved her. And you stole her away from me. Now shes gonna pay. Little witch didnt know who was best for her."
"Your crazy man!"
"Yea thats what I've been told. But you know what? You were my best friend and when you met her, you forgot all about me." Justin lunged forward to try and grab the gun from him but it went off. Justin laid curled in a ball. His arm in excruciating pain. His vision blurry. He crawled closer and heard another gun shot. And his sun was gone. His air. His life. She was gone.
~*End Flashback*~

"Daddy, when is mommy coming back?"
"Oh Joshy....shes not." Joshua burst into tears and Justin tried to hush him. He saw all the pain in his face and wanted to take it all back. *Its my fault shes gone....if only I had went after him sooner* He rocked back and forth calming Josh down. Everyone was gone now. He was alone with Josh talking to her again. "Is it pretty up there? In heaven i mean."

Justin and Sam lay in bed together talking. It was the one thing she liked best about Justin. How they could talk and talk and still manage to find things to talk about the next night in bed.
"What do you think heaven's like?" She asked.
"hmm..i dunno!"
"No seriously tell me what you think"
"Well....I think its a beautiful place. Everyone is happy, and they can watch over their family. You can just jump on the clouds, and feel free, and all the fallen angels, like you, will get their wings finally....and be real angels."
"aww....well it all sounds so beautiful..but i dont want to die... Id miss you too much" Sam smiled at justin as he laid a soft kiss on her ruby lips.
~*End Flashback*~

"Is it like I described?" Justin stepped back as they started to close the coffin. He held her hand one last time. One last touch and they lowered the coffin down, and filled the hole. Justin looked up at the sky, which was clearing up. "Samantha, my fallen angel, did you get your wings?"
