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Mr. Rodriquez and Mr. Little's First Date

*Note: Names were bleeped out to protect the names of the ashamed students that had to deal with this crap. May god help them forget that this event ever occured!!!*

One fine day, Mr. Rodriguez was overjoyed to hear that one of his *anonymus* but, ~favorite~ ((LoL)) Algebra I students had found him a date for Saturday night.
*** ****, could you stay after class I need to talk to you."
"Sure," replied ********. Then after class ******** walked up to Mr. Rodriguez. "Is there something you wanted to talk to me about?" asked the inquiring student.
"Yes I wanted to tell you about you're, uh...., test score! You got 102%," exclaimed the eager Algebra teacher.
"Okay cool," said ********, "I'll see ya around." Then two other remaining students walked out of the room.
"Wait! That's not all I wanted to say," said Mr. Rodriguez.
"Oh... okay... what do you want? I sort of have to meet someone now so make it quick," replied the student.
"********, I can't thank you enough for getting me a date on Saturday night. I haven't been on one for so long. You know, it's the 90s and finding someone who would admit that they are---" started Mr. Rodriguez.
" Umm.... SINGLE," interrupted ********.
"Single?! Oh no... Well, YES 'single' is really hard to find."
"I understand," agreed ********.
"Where did you find him," questioned the teacher.
"Well, he's my friend *****'s science teacher over at Will C. Wood," answered ********.
((To make things simpler, the student's name will be shortened from ******** to ***. :oP))
~On with the story~
"Will C. Wood!! Wow. That's such a nice school," Mr. Rodriguez said in awe.
"Yeah, uh-huh, I know," agreed *** obligatedly. "Well, I gotta go meet my friend so I hope you have fun tonight and I'll see you on Monday," said ***.
"Wait! Can you give me your phone number? So I can tell you how it went," asked Mr. Rodriguez.
"No! ...I mean. No, that's not a good idea because I'm going to Sacramento for the weekend. So you can tell me on Monday," replied the student.
"Oh, okay. See you Monday, ********. Have a great weekend and don't have too much fun with Dan - if you know what I mean," giggled the teacher.
"Yeah, tee-hee, I won't," replied *** sarcastically.
Later that day, at around 6:00 pm, Mr. Rodriguez was getting nice and pretty for the big night out. His date, Mr. Little, was going to be there at 8:00 so he had lots of things to prepare. First he got out his favorite glitter nail polish and started polishing away to get that innocent yet seductive look for his date. Then he figured that he should have the house have a home-cookin' aroma to match the exquisit country motif and scheme he had throughout the whole house.
everything has to be perfect! I think that this Mr. Little could be the one from what ******** has been telling me. He sounds so hot," Mr. Rodriguez told himself while he put a roll of pre-made chocolate chip cookie dough in the oven.
At around 7:30 pm, Mr. Rodriguez had fallen asleep on his floral couch due to bustin' his butt getting sexy for his *cough*hot*cough date. Then he woke up abruptly at 7:50 pm.
my god, Oh my god!! My hair!!! It's a mess!! I have ten minutes to fix my coif before he gets here. Oh no. The date's ruined. Ruined!! I know, I'll call ********. No wait, I can't -- because she's with her boyfriend *** and I know how he feels about me. She'll be crushed if she comes over with him and he makes a pass at me and then she'll have no boyfriend. He's so fine too -- I wouldn't mind if he came on to me... mmm... Oh no!! Only 7 minutes to fix my coif," Mr. Rodriguez explained to his inflatable "friend" Stuart.
Stu art!! Did you take me hair goop, you're so silly! Give it up! C'Mon quit playing you naughty boy I need that," the teacher told "Stuart".
4minutes later, Mr. Rodriguez successfully fixed his, um, 'coif'. "That means that there's only three minutes left until the festivities begin!! Yeah!! I guess I'll watch the boob, oh oopsie, not boob -- I mean I'll watch the Pectoral Tube until he gets here. If I don't talk to you before I leave, I'll see you later, Stewie," said Mr. Rodriguez. Then 8:02 pm rolled around. "Oh my god!!!! It's 8:02!!! He's not coming!!! I'm a failure to all ......single people out there!! ******** and *** and her friend ***** will be so disappointed in me. I have been dumped by a man I've never met!! Ah... I'll never love another man I swear," sobbed Mr. Rodriguez as he was explaining the situation to himself in the mirror.
Then there was a knock at the door and Mr. Rodriguez stopped his sobbing at once. "That must be him! Oh no! My mascara is running!! .... JUST A MINUTE! I'm COMING," exclaimed Mr. Rodriguez. He fixed his face and answered the door. "Hello, I'm Mr. Rodriguez. I'm a teacher at Vaca High. You're Mr. Little, I presume," said Mr. Rodriguez.
"Uh.... No, sorry, actually my name is Charlie and I'm the UPS guy. Sign for this package please," said the UPS guy.
"Oh, okay, I understand," said Mr. Rodriguez disappointedly. He got the package and opened it on his dining room table. "I wonder who could have sent me this package. I know it's not my brothers or father or mother for that fact. I haven't talked to them since they found out that I was.... single... STUART!!! Is this from you, hun," shouted Mr. Rodriguez. Then there was another knock at the door. "Oh!! I think that's Mr. Little," said Mr. Rodriguez.
He opened the door to reveal a man standing there with sparkly, silvery leatherish pants and a tight see-through black shirt wearing stylish pink shades.
"You're Mr. Little, I presume," concluded Mr. Rodriguez.
"But of course, dah-ling, who were you expecting, Big Gay Al," asked Mr. Little. Both of them giggled like little 10 year old girls.
"Oh stop. You're so silly! Please, won't you come in," invited Mr. Rodriguez.
"So, my science student ***** tells me that you teach at Vaca High. What do you teach," questioned Mr. Little.
"Oh. I teach algebra one. My lovely student ******** is the one who organized this little get together for us. She's so generous. She's the greatest," explained Mr. Rodriguez.
"***** was nice at the beginning of the year. Until she hooked up with Kyle. I told them that it was nice to see them together but I was lying. She's too good for him. Now she's so mean to me. She practically ripped my heart out when she told me that my class sucked and how I think of stupid games to play," sobbed Mr. Little, "she humiliated me and made me feel so stupid!!"
"Oh, it's okay hun," comforted Mr. Rodriguez, "Jennifer is a potty mouth and she can be so unsensitive that she gives young ladies a bad name. Let me take the cookies out of the oven and then we could go to the movie okay?"
"Okay," agreed Mr. Little, "Which movie?"
Mr. Rodriguez said, "I was thinking about Stuart Little. That seems like a manly movie."
"Stuart Little seems dumb to me," disagreed Mr. Little, "Let's go see Toy Story 2, it's got more action in it than Stuart Little."
So they went to go see Toy Story 2. By the time the movie was over, it was 10:45. Almost 11:00 pm and they were STILL out on a date. 11:00?! That's CRAZY!! They were just chatting away at a pub in San Francisco.
" I said to the guy, that's not my boyfriend! It's my student," Mr. Little concluded about his joke. Mr. Rodriguez was laughing so hard. Even though it's one of those jokes that aren't very funny.
"You're so silly. I don't want this night to end but, it takes an hour to get home and I've got papers to grade, hun," Mr. Rodriguez said.
"I know what you mean. I'm in such a good mood, I might as well give everyone an A," exclaimed Mr. Little.
"I'm gonna give ******** and *** an A oh and some of ********'s friends too," explained Mr. Rodriguez.
"I guess I can give ***** an A," said Mr. Little.
"That's my boy," shouted Mr. Rodriguez, "Let's go home. If you play you're cards right, ha ha, maybe you could stay the night."
"Ooh, baby! All the way on the first date," said Mr. Little, "you're a fiesty little bean burrito aren't you?!"
So they got into the car and went back to Mr. Rodriguez's house. The following Monday ******** and *** went to school and Mr. Rodriguez had a substitute. When ******** got home she called ***** and ***** said that Mr. Little had a substitute too. Then on Tuesday, Mr. Rodriguez told ******** that it was "just a fling" and the "bastard broke his heart" then he asked ******** if he could have *** for the weekend. He thought the answer was no after she threatened to never talk to him again and slammed the door to his room in his face. Mr. Little asked ***** for Kyle for the weekend as well so... ***** kicked him on the mommy-daddy button. That's the end of my story.

Well there it is!! The sequel coming soon!! and if you didnt like it, YOU SUCK!!!
Want to read the sequel?! ~>Rainbow Pride...
