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D.O.B.: December 2, 1980
Likes: Matrix
School Subjects
Likes: English
Dislikes: Math
Sports to play
Likes: Mountain biking
Dislikes: golf
Sports to watch
Likes: Gymnastics
Dislikes: golf
Personality in girls
Likes: Confidence
Dislikes: Arrogance
Touring on a bus
Likes: Individual bunks
Dislikes: limited space
Likes: Interesting questions
Dislikes: answering the same questions
Pet Peeves: Dislikes liars
Most Prized possession: My car
Fave Food
Likes: Pizza and spaghetti
Dislikes: Mexican food
Fave Color
Likes: Green
Dislikes: brown
Fave thing while performing
Likes: the music and the energy
Dislikes: microphones not working properly
What do you miss most while on the road: Family
1. Ricky's first kiss was in the 2nd grade, where he would make out with his "girlfriend" everyday at the same place on the playground.
2. Ricky wears a Sagittarius symbol around his neck for good luck, stamina, and optimism.
3. Ricky is the proud owner of two pet pigs - Moe and Kitty.
4. Ricky once dreamed of being in the Olympics as a gymnast.

Taken From NA's Official Site-