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~*~Victoria Secret~*~

I stumbled upon this a while ago, but i have no idea who sent it to me but hope you enjoy it!!
Ok heres the setting...You walk into Victoria Secret in the mall to buy underwear only to find *N SYNC in the same section as you. You decide to go up to them and ask them questions. Im just gonna use my name in it. :) Check it out ya'll:
Megan: First of all what are you guys doing here in the langerie department?

Lance: Well tryin' to decide between this pink robe or this purple one. Why? Are you a spy? Who do you work for?

Joey: I was lookin' for you, sugar.

J.C.: I'm sooooo embarassed! I wasn't here, okay? You did not see me here. You are NOT to tell anyone those are strict orders y'hear?!

Justin: Hey, you, wuz ya think iz bettah, the black pantyhose or 'da white? Use tha best judgement cuz 'dis be goin' on my jheri curlz head.

Megan: Okay, Justin, I heard you've been touring with Britney Spears. What's that been like?

Justin: Hell! Oops, I mean 'dis been great. She's a great girl.

Joey: Have you seen her ass Justin?! That girl is stacked!

J.C.: FOOLS! Such idiots...

Chris: I don't like her. I don't care what other people say. She doesn't laugh at my jokes so I don't like her.

Megan: Woah, man. Props to you. You're my kind of guy!

Chris: You betcha.

Joey: *rubs Megan's back* You know, I never liked her either.

Megan: But, you just said that she had a nice ass.

Joey: *looks down* Hey, Justin! She's more stacked than Britney!

Justin: Hey, yo, lemme see!

Megan: *spins away fast* ANYWAYS! *ahem* How often do you guys get a little, you know, sumthin'; sumthin'?

J.C.: Whaaaat? Me? Must I remind you that I'm just a little Catholic boy errrr... man...

Megan: So Catholics like Victoria's Secret?! Okay, I'll make a mental note of it.

Justin: E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y! Look at me I'm gorgeous. Who wouldn't want a piece of this?!

Megan: *says sarcastically* Yea uh-huh! Who would pass up an oppertunity like that? *cough*

Chris: *laughing* Last time I got a little sumthin' sumthin' was with a monkey at the zoo... ha ha ha... Just playin'.

Joey: Saaaay... I could be gettin' a little sumthin' sumthin' right now. *wink, wink* *nudge, nudge*

Megan: *sigh* No...

Joey: Oh, c'mon you know you want it, want it!!!

Megan: Why would I 'want it, want it' if Lance's got it?

Lance: Kinkee...

Chris: Ha, ha... she's good. Real funny. Almost funnier than me. I said 'almost', right?

Megan: NEXT QUESTION! Chris, do you dress like that on purpose?

Chris: Yeah! Duh... No, I fall out of bed and my clothes just jump on me! *laugh* I'm just too much!

J.C.: *sigh* Yup, I've tried to help him before, but those overalls just won't come off. I think he like glued them on or something.

Megan: So, what do you really think of the fans?

Justin: *falls to knees* Oh, honey one, I beg of you, get me some honies quick! I can't stand the teenies anymore. Pleaseeee help me! Pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!!

J.C.: *smacks Justin* We love our fans!*cheesy grin*

Lance: What?! Don't look at me! I'm not answering that question.

Joey: They're girls... there's nothing not to like.

Chris: I HATE 'EM ALL!!! Ha, ha, ha... Just kidding.

Megan: Do you guys ever get sick of touring?

Justin: *crying* YESSSSSS! Mommy, can I come home now, please?!

J.C.: *gives Justin a dirty look* Never, it's the best part of the job!

Lance: Are you trying to ruin us?! Why are you asking us these questions?! I can't take it anymore. Leave me alone.

Joey: No there's more girls on tour.

Chris: It's crazy. I actually have girls chasing me home. Yadda, yadda, yadda...

Megan: If you could be anybody for one day who would it be and why?

J.C.: I would be Shakespear. I would love to get in mind of brilliant writer like that. Well, if he wasn't dead.

Joey: I would be Pamela Lee Anderson cause I'd never have to leave home to cop a feel. *ducking J.C.'s hand*

Chris: I'd be Busta Rhymes. That would be so cool. I would just rap all day long. And do some crack I mean yeah rap!

Lance: I'd be Martha Stewart. I love her hair.

Megan: So, how often do you drink?

Justin: *repeating after J.C.* I don't drink. I'm too young. How was that J.C.?

J.C.: *smacks Justin* Well, I've never had a drop of alcohol. That would ruin my good-boy image. That can't happen, hun. Plus someone has to look over these fools.

Chris: Everynight! What? You think this hyper personality comes naturally?

Joey: Just when I have to hit on ugly chicks. So, every other night.

Lance: I'm only 19... Are you a cop?

Megan: How often do you guys fight?

Chris: Every ten minutes, but it's all J.C.'s fault.

J.C.: Whaaaaat, fool? It's only because you're dumb.

Justin: J.C., you thinks yous 'da shit. We sick of it. Why you be controllin' us?

Megan: I heard you guys were all virgins, is that true?

Justin: HAAAA! Who told you 'dat? Someone as fine as me a virgin? Oh pahleeeeese!!! No, oops... that was in my fantasy, I still am a virgin.

J.C.: Actually I'm a born again virgin. I was seduced, hey, what can I say? But, I now obtain sex... sex is bad. Abstinence is the only way.

Joey: Uhh... haha, yeah right.

Chris: I admit it. I'm lame. I'm 27 and still never been snooked. Ya wanna help.

Lance: There was this one girl and it was a quickie... why? OH GOD! She's pregnant isn't she? Oh no, what'll I do?!?! *cry*

Megan: So... what was it really like touring with Janet?

J.C.: HAHAHA... Justin was a geek. Tryin' to act all pimp 'cause he thinks he's 'da shnit! She was laughing at him and callin' him 'kid' all day long. It was hilarious.

Justin: Yo! Dat not funny Mister I-Wanna-Be-The-Guy-In-The-Chair! At least I ain't be droolin' on her an' asking if I could sit in the chair! I think you scared her. If she was desperate I betz ya be no born again virgin!

J.C.: *stomps on Justin's foot* I'm tryin' to score points, don't screw it up.

Justin: *looks @ Megan and grins* Oh, I see.

Chris: She wouldn't talk to me. She just made little monkey sounds at me. I don't know why.

Joey: Ahhh, Janet... now there's a babe. She's got the perfect chest and the food she had with her.... wow that was great!

Lance: I didn't talk to her. I'm convinced that she's part of some conspiracy to rid the planet of 'NSync.

Megan: Why would you think that?

Lance: *gasp* You're one of them aren't you?

Megan: Ummm, no... But anyways, how do you feel toward all the other bands that make fun of you?

Justin: Yo, who be makin' fun of us? I'll beat 'em down! I'm coo', me and Method Man, are lyke 'dis... we tight, yo.

J.C.: You know, we're just in this to have fun. We're doing what we love. What people say don't matter. We still respect them and think they are talented.

Joey: As long as it's not girls, who cares?!

Chris: Psssssshhh... speak for yourself, J.C.!

Lance: They're all in on it. I'm convinced that they're gonna get rid of us.

Megan: Mmmmkk... Seriously, if you guys weren't singing what would you do that doen't pertain to singing?

Justin: 'Dats easy! I'd be--

Megan: And doesn't pertain to the NBA!

Justin: *mumbling* Suck it, biznotch!

Megan: What a pathetic attempt to mumble! I still heard you loud and clear!

Justin: *hangs head down* Sorry...

J.C.: Well I'd be a priest. And I'd be so helpful and do religious work so much and help out the world that my goal would be to be a saint. That's if my mobster gig fell through... Ha ha... that was a joke...

Joey: Hee, hee... I'd be one of those suave, cool, kinkee phone sex people! THEY ROCK! I'd make house calls...

Lance: I'd like to be the president of the U.S.

Chris: I dunno.... a comedian?!

Megan: What's the worst mistake you've ever made?

Justin: Well, there was this one girl and she was only ten. *sigh* But, I'm sure you know how it is to be sexually frustrated... without anyone to help ya out... and you know my hands can't do all the work. I think you know what I mean...

J.C.: *smacks Justin* You don't tell a girl she knows how to be sexually frustrated! Shame on you. *looks at megan* ...Even if you just are, ummm..., joking! *smacks Justin again* But anyway, my worst mistake was not shaving this morning. I feel a bit stubly today...

Chris: Well, last week I jumped off of the roof and now my ankle kinda hurts, but oh well.

Joey: ...Not letting the girl be on top...

Megan: So what's a normal day like for the each of you?

Justin: Well, first yous gets up; eats my Apple Jacks; take a shower; do my morning jack off session... Gets my-fine-self dressed; tell myself I be lookin' finer 'den yestahday; go to rehearsal/interview or whateva needs to be done; concert at night; 'den do my nightly jack off session; and try to sneak out while J.C. is doin' 'dat Yoga or Taibo crap 'den sneak back in 'den go to bed and do it all ova again 'da nextest day.

J.C.: Get up and wake everyone else up; take a shower; get ready; eat my healthy breakfast; sing to myself in the mirror... *sigh* Go to wherever we've been scheduled for the day; go back to the bus; do some yoga not taibo; ummm... listen to some music then go to bed.

Chris: Well I wake up and take my daily dose of sugar to help with my fat hangover. Ummm... maybe an occasional shower; crack a few jokes; do our daily agenda; come back to the bus and read up on some current jokes; watch a few comedy acts; buy... liquor from 7-11; do a few stunts; go to bed and wake up with a fat headache... blah, blah, blah...

Joey: I wake up and watch a porno on the Spice channel... mmmm... OH and take a shower; flip through a porno magazine; go to practice or whatever; come back to the bus; call maybe 10 or 20 girls; go do the do; comeback and watch another porno; go to a club if Justin can manage to sneak out; fall asleep to my tape I made of moaning women.

Lance: Well... I git up an' inspect the bus for any disturbance; take a quick shower; inspect my clothes; go to practice; come back to the bus and inspect it once again; call my family and give them the third degree; ponder the thoughts of world domination; and dream at night... that's it...

Megan: *pauses* *chuckles* *pats J.C. on the shoulder* I'm so sorry!

J.C.: I know... I'll be fine... thanks for actually noticing!

Megan: So, what annoys you guys?

Justin: Joey's nose...

J.C.: All them fools... all four of them!

Joey: When girls wear underwear.

Chris: All uptight people like Britney Spears who do not laugh at my jokes. How could you not?! They're soooo funny!

Lance: Being a little pion in a society as great as ours.

Megan: What would you do if a gay guy hit on you?

Justin: Yo--

Megan: I'm not yo...

Justin: Oh, I'm sorry... but, yo, check it out, I'd be freakin' out and I'd do a little Taibo shnit on 'dem foo's 'cuz 'dat's not coolio!

J.C.: I'd politely tell him to go talk to Lance.

Joey: Ask him if he has a sister?

Chris: Make fun of him of course, what a queer... hahaha...

Lance: Make him take a lie detector test.

Megan: Define the word 'slut'.

Justin: Me when I can leave the house without my mommy.

J.C.: Joey...

Joey: A good time

Chris: Something I need to finde

Lance: ...A conspiracy theory...

Megan: WOOHOO! Last question: What are you gonna do next?

Justin: You mean nextest?

Megan: Yeah, yeah... nextest, whatever...

Justin: Well, nextest, I'm gonna buy some do-rags and dope dye!

J.C.: Meditate.

Joey: I don't know... who, I mean what are you doin'?!

Megan: I dunno... psssshhh... J.C.?!

J.C.: *jumps up* OKAY! I mean NO! Sex is bad! NO NO NO!

Lance: Ponder...

ok to all the clueless people out there none of this is true. Lance isnt gay, joey isnt that much of a pimp, chris isnt the prick hes made out to be on here and well, yea, if your wondering thats really how Justin talks :) ANYWAYS this was all humor and if oyu cant take a joke i suggest you leave this site! But im a HUGE *N SYNC fan but i CAN take a joke! Anyways hope you enjoyed it and just in case you might be wondering *grinning* I love Lance :)
