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D.O.B: 2/23/80
Likes: I like mysteries, romances and action/adventure
Dislikes: Star Trek movies
School Subjects
Likes: I like English, Chorus and Band
Dislikes: none
Sports to play
Likes: Basketball, football, soccer, tennis
Dislikes: hockey
Sports to watch
Likes: Basketball, football, soccer
Dislikes: golf
Personality in girls
Likes: self-confidence, athletic, bubbly, humorous, easy going, decisive
Dislikes: Over-confident and fake
Touring on a bus
Likes: I love my bunk, watching movies and playing cards
Dislikes: lack of space
Likes: I like them because I don't have to fill out questionnaires!!!
Dislikes: asked the same questions
Pet Peeves: dislikes when people take forever talking about something that should only take a second to explain.
Most Prized Possession: My car
Fave Food
Likes: Hot and Sour Soup
Dislikes: love and eats everything
Fave Color
Likes: Blue
Dislikes: pink (but I love the artist "Pink")
Fave thing while performing:
Likes: I love the rush and the feeling of a well-oiled machine with 4 parts working as one.
Dislikes: Distractions during the show (ie. security) and technical problems
1. Tommy wants Eminem to diss him in one of his songs! Is he crazy?
2. If bored on the tour bus, Tommy likes to play Spades.
3. Tommy plays the peacemaker of No Authority. He always settles anyarguments.
4. Danny once said that Tommy reminds him of the character Kramer onSeinfeld.
5. Before joining No Authority, Tommy was on his was to Harvard Law School.

Taken From NA's Official Site-
