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GA-942: Excellence has no finish line.

Meaning of Drill



"We have some 4,000 years of recorded history of soldiers who have drilled much as you are about to do . . . Peloponmesians, the Romans, all drilled, and it was not for fun. Drill is not about physical movement necessarily, although it is important. Precision is important. Drill is about the mind. Whether a soldier under duress can cause things to happen physically and mentally. What you do in these competitions will serve you so well as you train your mind to do that which is hard. It will serve you so well either as a military leader some day, or as a civilian professional. I salute each and every one of you that does this to:

1) make yourself better;
2) make your family and friends proud of you;
3) to prepare you for th future.

Good luck to each and every one of you."

Brigadier General L.D. Johnston, Commander, 347 Fighter Wing Moody Air Force Base, Georgia 15 Novemeber 1997


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GA-942's background set was made by Cadet Jacquelyn Fisher.  Do not use without her permission!  Thank you.