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  1. O Palácio de Xena
    novo; dubladores; chakram Xenites; passatempo; episodios; personagens; fotos; sons; os pergaminhos de Gabrielle; fanart; perguntas and votacao; entrevisitas; clips; Hercules; variedades; links; agradecimento

  2. Off the Bard's Scrolls
    gods; pics; fan fic; wavs; links; you know you're obsessed with Xena when...

  3. Official Xena Fan Club
    fan club; market place; photo club; live and past events; episode guide; trivia

  4. Oh Lucy!
    Lucy quotes; life before Xena; life after Xena; word power; Lucy on RealVideo; montage wallpapers; everything Lucy; image gallery; articles/transcripts; links

  5. One More for the Xenaverse
    question of the month; sounds; parodies; comics; screen grabs; rating the men of X:WP; links