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  1. Valley Forge Convention By The Xena Pyramid
    pictures; the Xena pyramid; Phoenix convention; Trek Expo with Hudson Leick; Cherry Hill convention

  2. Vanessa's Xena Page
    gallery; links; sounds; Lucy Lawless

  3. Vannus' Image of Ares
    images; calendar; Ares fan fiction; links; animated gifs; Kevin Smith info; message board

  4. Venator's Castle
    Chakram mailing list; Chakram archives (past digests of the mailing list); Chakram classifieds; the imperial Aquĉductus; autographs; "xenite": where did that word come from?

  5. Vesta's Xena Page
    sounds and videos

  6. Vicki's Autolycus Fan Page
    photos and sounds; episodes Autolycus appeared in; episodes directed by Bruce; mailing lists; newsgroups and articles; poems; Autolycus windows applications; Autolycus windows 95 plus theme; Autolycus merchandise; Autolycus word search; Autolycus tile game; Bruce/Autolycus internet greeting cards; events; links