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If you would like to advertise your mailing list here, don't hesitate and send me an e-mail at and if you want, you can even add a little message about it. I'll try to add some more mailing lists later (when I get some time..)

Description: This is a list for fans of 'Xena: Warrior Princess' AND 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' to discuss the show, characters, ideas, actors, storylines,trivia, etc.
How to Subscribe: Send an e-mail to
A little message from the list owner:
I've created an e-list on Onelist called Xena_Buffy. Not RPG, or a fanfic list, more like a discussion list than anything.'Angel' & 'Hercules: The Lengendary Journeys' is not considered off topic.
- Taryl

Description: This list is devoted to Lucy, Renee, the Xena show, and fanfic.
How to Subscribe: Send an e-mail to with 'subscribe' in the subject line.
A little message from the list owner:
It's been a little quiet lately, so come start some conversations or write some fanfiction (Which is a great way to cure Xena Withdrawl Syndrome :) We'd love to have you!
- Amy Graham